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Jeff, I have had a Speedster with a swing axle as well as one with IRS. The IRS was vastly superior handling wise. I would personally not build a performance Speedster with swing axles.

Just puttering about swing axles are fine...really hard driving, different story...VW went to the IRS for good reasons besides Ralph Nader being a pain it the butt.....
I finally read Nadar's book last summer. He makes only passing references to VW and Mercedes swing axles and clearly targets the Corvair. I'm sure he did that for political punch, as GM was a much bigger target in the 60s than either of the other companies. I was also surprised that the swing axle was only about 20% of the book. The rest was all about other bad stuff the Big Thre were doing in disregard for public safety. That was his real target.
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