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We really need to get a Wife's email or Children's Email and let them know how lucky they are that Daddy came home this weekend and how he treats others. They may already know she's probably a battered woman..

His company investment people may also be interested. I have sent them an email about how proud I am to have met their service manager and how he treated potential investors.

Can't really see where a class action would be accepted in court. Falls under the category of a minor traffic infraction. Next time, drive faster or just bring a gun, shoot up his bike, then claim self defense; the SOC "musketeers": one for all and all for one! OJ walked on a double homicide; change your venue to Southern California and give it a shot.
Maybe he and his boss are having a good laugh over all the attention he is getting.....ya know, birds of a feather and all that. BTW, if we want to drive faster next time, if there is one, someone else will have to take the lead. I gotta stay clean in Blount County for another three years or it's mark (as in license) city for me. Also, I'd prefer to keep my mug shot off the post office pin up parade, but that's another story.

As far as a suit goes, nothing actually happened as a result of the dude's careless disregard for our safety so I don't believe there would be any grounds for filing one.
Finally heard from the Tennessee Highway Patrol today. After listening to what happened last Saturday, Lt Valentine of the THP told me that Mr ------ will likely be back on the dragon in the future, and that news of this event will be placed "in the right place". They will be looking for him from now on............yummy
Well, it sounds to me like the guy and his buds just wanted to go faster, nevrmind the speed limit or dabgerous weather conditons, and did not see a good way for all of them to pass -- seeing as how the double yellow and all, and the turns you can't see around and the long line of Speedsters. So this jerk got creative, on a wet and dreary back road. One way of looking at it is (I was NOT there, so unsure how he executed his brigade stop) he did find a way to get everyone stopped and so his group got around. As I hear it, nobody actually was hurt, although dander was raised, and folks were rightly put out for while. I'm sure the letter writing will generate a lot of laughter, and not much else. Having the local LEOs on the look-out for his numbers is a cool idea. So he has a citizens's complaint in his jacket. That may get him nailed sooner or later.

Next year, sounds like the mid-Atlantic Fall Excursion (tyhe one that used to be called the TotD, will be looking for other scenic by-ways.

BERT: I'd like a beer.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program . . .
Barry: I know you meant well in your comment, however, the roads were foggy, wet, covered with wet leaves and we were stopped between two curves. There could have easily been a tragic accident had some dumb ass been speeding behind us. This jerk stopped causing some us to slide a bit even at the posted speed limit. If someone chooses to speed in conditions as stated, perhaps they should increase their life insurance as well as liability. Strangest thing was I didn't see any Harley parts hanging on the Tree Of Shame, only bits of BMWs, both cars and bikes and a lot of pocket rocket parts. Maybe Hog riders have more sense.

For the uninitiated, The Tree Of Shame is a tree located at Deal's Gap (Road side diner/biker shop) where bits and pieces of accident debris are hung, some signed, some posthumously.


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  • shades
Hi Jack,Stop over. The adult treaters get beverages

Nolan,I think what dissapointed me was the vindictive nature of the group after they got home. I'm all for giving the guy hell and then telling the story here but going to his employer and trying to get him in trouble there and messing with his lively hood for something he does on his own time was over the top in my opoinion and can have serious ramafications for his wife and kids if he has any.

He didn't have his employer's name or info on the bike and if the group wasn't so aggressive they would not have known about his personal life.
This is the first internet lynching I have witnessed and to be honest since it am a bike rider it hit a nerve.
As Jim says
Peace out

He was messing with our lives, his own as well, what would his employer and family do if one of us had popped him in the butt and sent him off the road and he died besides sue us? I am also a bike rider have logged many trips on the Dragon always on a bike this was my first trip in a car. I always get passed and have come to expect it but NO ONE should be so stupid as to stop on any road unless trying to protect a downed rider even then it is unbelievably dangerous.
Perhaps we will save a life with our efforts and his children will have a father to come home to them...So what if he loses his job and keeps his life.


I am peaceful can't you tell???
Yeah, I think this is clearly a case of "You Hadda Been There" to really pass judgement on this. Those who were there know the severity.
But I'll tell ya, I was rear ended hard in my TR3 by a Cadillac in the past and I am reeeally paranoid of getting pile driven in the rear.
If I was stopped by some nut and stuck sitting on a blind curve FOR WHATEVER REASON, I would surely and quickly have to rectify the problem. Adrenalin does strange things.
Right now I'm glad I wasn't there.

Barry: you must be a pretty mellow fellow to dismiss an accident looking for a place to happen. There were some wives and a child riding with us on the Dragon, the jerk didn't have his with him or maybe he wouldn't have been so cavalier with the safety of ours. I only hope this guy learns what a jerk he was and amends his ways but I doubt it. By the way I rode an Indian and rode with alot of bikers, some were pretty rough characters but we never jeopardized the safety of cagers.


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  • shades
I'm not following the logic here.
Why would having him loose his job change his driving or decision making habits?
It's not like giving a kid a time out. You could possibly ruin him financialy for life.
Besides maybe you get him fired and he goes and ties one on and causes something far worse.
I know I don't want to be any part of messing with a mans livelyhood if it is not a direct cause of the problem.
You do what you think is right.

Oh and the post that said that the Harleys aren't represented on the tree of shame should just google the Tail of the Dragon. I'v read numerous accounts of dresser style bikes off the road. Usually occurs when they get into a corner to hot and as soon as the rear tire drops off the side the bags and or pipes catch and off they go. The tree is more of a sport bike thing.
As i said before a lawless area for riding fast and taking those chances that some people want to do. Doesn't make it right .
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