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Isn't it great we live in America where we can ride, drive what we want and speak our minds on a public forum. Barry I ride a Harley, have logged over 100k each on Hondas and Yamahas too. Cars, trucks or Bikes you have no right to put my life or my friends lives in danger. One of my cowoorkers family members on a Gold Wing just got medivaced out of the Dragon area this weekend yes there are cruiser parts on the tree of shame and more deaths on heavy cruisers than sport bikes on thoose type of roads. BTW it was their fault not some A-hole from N.C.that caused the crash, overshot a corner.

Pass the Popcorn please
I don't think I really got mad at the dude until I, along with Tom and a few others, experienced his cavalier attitude about the incident when we confronted him. He might as well have said you guys ain't sh*t and I don't give a F**k if I did put you and the truck driver coming in the opposite direction in harms way.

Had this guy showed even the slightest sign of being gracious then perhaps I would feel differently about it.

Pass the 94% fat free popcorn....gotta maintain appearances.
I agree with Hoss, I am now basically over this, but will never forget it. About 40 (yes I can remember) years ago, Jerry Lewis got into big trouble by saying on the air that while he was flying over Alabama, he decided to go to the bathroom on the plane.

Maybe I'll do the same if I am ever over NW Raleigh, NC
Let's face it there will always be a$$holes and jerks in our lifetimes. One can only hope they will meet their demise before causing ours. As far as feeling sorry for someone who put my life and and my wife's life in jeopardy I just don't have that in me. Rather see that guy lose his job or other material things than his life as he probably would have if he pulled that stunt in Miami or LA, (Road rage leads to shooting during rush hour). As Jimbo says "Peace Out".


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The only change I would make would be to the timing---not the route.

For timing I''d like to see it moved up at least 2 weeks and 3 would be better. I know the leaves won't be as nice with fall colors but we'll have a better chance for a warmer weekend---and no snow up on the Cherohola which was the reason we had to skip it this year.

I wouldn't change the route though. I really like the Dragon and the Cherohla skyway and look forward to that route.

I'm sure that Hoss and Tom will ask for ideas for the next event soon
but while I'm thinking about it, I'd invite and host those wonderful SAS folks to one of our dinners. The SAS tour this year was a sensational addition to the program. Also, just as we do different things at Carlisle (Harley plant, Car museum) we might see what el;se is there to visit.

I really like this annual event a lot, and will continue attending whatever the plans are!----Jack
I would certainly be happy to co-host another "Tail 'O Dragon" run and would not be opposed to moving the date 2 - 3 weeks earlier. As long as folks realize that there would not be much in the way of fall colors then, even at high elevations, it might be a good move.

I hope everybody found Pizzaria Uno and Fontana Lake Lodge as satisfactory eateries. Both seemed fine to me, but then I'm not that hard to please when it comes to food. And it shows.

As far as Steve and Lisa and the SAS tour/BBQ, Steve has been bugging me for years to bring a bunch of Speedster buddies to the shop and he would treat us to a tour and cookout. This year, when the decision was made to stretch the event another day, we discussed it again. And the rest, as they say, is history.

What I am hearing suggests that, in spite of the awful weather, you folks had a pleasant time in East Tennessee and that makes me feel great.
Becky and I will go with the concensus decision as long as it is not the first of the month (A/P closing) we will try to attend. Hoss the selection of eateries and roads were great the company was tremendous and weather is just that, you never know what to expect. It rains at Carlisle dosen't it? We bow to your wisdom as Reidmeister.

Here's to the Dragon Slayers
The latter part of September works well for me, although the beginning of the drive (in Charleston) is likely to be a bit warm. I wouldn't mind some different roads, having done the TotD three times, but will go with the majority. I DO believe that there are lots of choices in the area, but the TotD gets the advertising.

We could do some of the Blue Ridge Parkway up toward Boone, or something like that. It was awfully nice back in the spring.
Well, hoo-ha. I gave this thread just the slightest little nudge at the steering wheel, and we went off on a hard left turn. What fun.

PS, BTW I do understand the deal about being stopped on a road w/ just about zero visibility and worrying about a rear-end collision. THAT would have got me very upset, I am sure. They say all is well that ends well, and since no blood was spilled, I'll call this a good ending. The Pilots' Credo: Any landing in an airplane that you walk away from is a good landing. Sorta like that.
Let it be ,Let it be .Its done you can't change it ,it is past, over .Here is the deal at the dragon 30 mph is a guideline rain or shine most people go faster. Play safe. If some one comes up behind you going a lot faster the proper thing to do is to pull into a pull off they are now paved, if a bunch of cars are traveling together the last guy pulls of let the biker by next car all the way to the lead car, THAT IS WHAT THE PAVED PULL OFF's ARE FOR . no big deal. Time to start planning for next year Best time to run the dragon is 6:30 AM daybreak not 11 A.M get up at 5 and play early . Crazy Pete
I just read this thread for the first time and removed the personal info of the rider involved.

No matter what happened during the drive, posting personal info of someone and discussing retribution is a clear violation of the terms of this site.

In part "You agree to not use the Service to:
(a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
(l) "stalk" or otherwise harass another;"

Further posting of info or discussion of retribution will result in the termination of user accounts.

I just read Theron's last post, and am sorry to see that the details of a major life threatening safety infraction has been deleted. Today kids are set on fire for "ratting" on bicycle thefts, drive-by shootings occur because people will not tell the police who the shooters were, perhaps even the tragic shooting at Ft Hood could have been prevented if someone had spoken up about that Major's previous actions and rants. Tom's reporting the incident to the Police and alerting the rest of us will help us in the future to be aware of people like that cyclist. THERON, you have the right to censor and delete any comments on your website that you feel is inappropriate. Should you feel I or any other member expressing their Freedom of Speech have truly violated your conditions then by all means take actions you deem necessary.
I was the tail car, took him less than 15 sec to decide to pass me and another 30 to pass the group there were no pulloffs in that stretch of road. We were traveling at 30 to 35 mph he came up on a curve at better than 50 with high beams on. As posted previously you had to be there. The problem was not being passed it was having him stop short in the middle of the road when it was wet and full of leaves, traction was at a premium. I have added it to my list of lifes offerings burned some incense for him and wish him a long life along with any whose paths he croses I will not forget it he put myself and my wife and my freinds in danger. I will never let anyone get away with that. I am now a stockholder in ===== and will see what they feel about one of their stockholders being upset with their service personell. Whats the old deal..I'll buy the business just so I can fire you? Spite it's an amazing thing.

Theresa it may be time for the Oban
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