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Just completed installation of new rancho trans. Went from 3.80 to 3.11 in 1st, 2.06 to 1.93 in 2nd. Left 3 and 4 as they were.That stump puller 1st had been a source of irritation from day one. In the installation process discovered that the webers that I had been told were 40s were actually 48s. Bruce suggested contacting Pat at CB to be sure we had all correct sizes of jets. Quick response from Pat led to rebuilding carbuerators including all new jets. Bruce, in his immutable hard headed german approach- "the right way is out there for a reason", made several additional changes, some cosmetic, some not. The trans change is costly, (ouch!) but having put on a few hundred miles, I wouldn't go back. The ideas for these and other changes mostly came from the wrenches on this site. Thanks---Really enjoying Luftig.


1957 JPS MotorSports(Speedster)

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Just completed installation of new rancho trans. Went from 3.80 to 3.11 in 1st, 2.06 to 1.93 in 2nd. Left 3 and 4 as they were.That stump puller 1st had been a source of irritation from day one. In the installation process discovered that the webers that I had been told were 40s were actually 48s. Bruce suggested contacting Pat at CB to be sure we had all correct sizes of jets. Quick response from Pat led to rebuilding carbuerators including all new jets. Bruce, in his immutable hard headed german approach- "the right way is out there for a reason", made several additional changes, some cosmetic, some not. The trans change is costly, (ouch!) but having put on a few hundred miles, I wouldn't go back. The ideas for these and other changes mostly came from the wrenches on this site. Thanks---Really enjoying Luftig.

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