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I hope my subscription is finally in place, and so my issue will be in the MB soon.

TC: you get a good atta-boy for this coup, MGM. And still, I like Cobras, think them generally awesome, and I marvel at the design work and engineering that goes into the high-end replica versions. they are big, bad and beautiful, and what's not to like about a 500 hp V8 anyway?? Some of these kit-Cobras would have to be seen on any objective scale as at least as good as, and likley much better than, in many ways, the original. But then the same might be said for our plastic replica Speedsters, esp'y as Henry interprets that concept.
Oh I don't know, Kelly---to me the shape of the Speedster is nailed by both Vintage and JPS and the others. But these two makers, at least to me, got that shape right.

Not to say I don't lust for an I.M. and actually have started disliking Marty a whole lot.

I go to a lot of car shows here in AR and usually go with a good friend with a sensational Cobra but he won't park near my Speedster because the Speedster gets a-l-l the attention.

If you get a chance, go to the Vintage site then click on "media". There's a picture of a car show taking place in Switzerland with a Speedster near a Lambo or something very exotic---the crowd is ignoring the Lambo and oogling the Speedster. Happens all the time.
Can't really take the credit for this one, guys.

Considering how much in advance of the publishing date the editorial content of most periodicals is put to bed, I'd guess that this was in the works for a while. MAYBE the cover banner/type was a bit of "re-packaging" added at the last minute because of our discussion, but that's far beyond very, VERY doubtful.

Either this was a nice (but planned) issue to give the rest of us a break, or a ploy to make the non-cobra related advertisers happy, but certainly wasn't any response to my rant against nor your unrelenting praise for the rag.

Either way, I'll take a look at the market and probably bag a copy if it's any good. Nothing much else out there, is there?


Where did you get your shirt??

I used to buy from the Aloha Shirt Shop, thinking that they were actually in Hawaii, but then I found that they were in Morro Bay, California!!!!!

Then went with "Hula Heaven" in Kona (I've actually gone to their shop on a trip to the Big Island) to get real, vintage shirts. Wicked pricey, but gorgeous shirts in Rayon - none of this Silk stuff!!.

But then, the best shirt I ever found was a Reyn Spooner at a little shop in Tucson, Arizona (go figure).


OH! And What's a Cobra? One-a them KIT CARS?!?!?!? The ones where only 10-12 show up at Carlisle??

Got the rag in the mail box recently and saw the banner on the front. And yes, there were pics and words about Cobras in there, so not sure what all the fuss is/was about. Enjoyed your nostalgic trip down memory lane. You are quite the sentimental old fool, aren't you?? How cool it is that you managed a hook-up w/ old chums after so long away. Good for you. They say there is no friend quite like an old friend, and I am lucky to have one or two. We go along and spend often years apart, and when we do hook up, it as though the years just vaporize. Pick right up where we left off, sorta, kinda. Sadly, my collection of dear, old friends is recently diminished by one, and so I again envy you the time taken to reconnect. Perhaps my closest friend (known since we were born) was lost in a hiking accident back when we were 20-something. That's when your crew is supposed to be immortal, you know, and passing on is not what happens. But in fact, it does. Have never really quite gotten over that. ANYHOW,

Will be lookin' for you at Carlisle -- stay cool until then.


Glad you enjoyed it. Heck, nostalgia is a big part of the soul of this hobby. Sorry about the loss of your young friend. I remember those immortal years. Unlike you, I never had to learn that young that we're not.

Speaking of nostalgia -- what I'm nostalgic for right now is the last time I drove my Speedster. Even more for the last time I showed up at Carlisle with it. And here's the big bad news again. Toni and I are scrambling real hard for work we don't have, Danny can't make the time to come down the next couple of weeks, I'm having cataract surgery on my second eye nine days before Carlisle, and my doc says no way can I spend three and a half hours in the sun and wind of an old convertible that soon after. I brought up goggles. She said no. I know. A litany of excuses. I'm not worthy of being Jack Crosby's facebook friend. Bruce and Julie, and Hoss, I know I promised you come hell or high water, and I'm truly sorry. Hell and high water came and I can't deliver.

Stuff just needs to stop happening.

As compensation (for ourselves), Toni and I are contemplating coming down on Thursday, a day early for us, to hang with everybody.
Max, my word-salad-posting/kit-car-column-writing/speedster-fixing/birthday-infinitum/Toni-luvin BRUTHA!

Glad to hear that you'll be able to take care of those eyes with corrective surgery. Bummer for those expecting to throw you another birthday party at Carlisle! But a least with better vision, you'll be able to more clearly see your beautiful wife, Toni!

Also, maybe you'll finally realize that your stylish chapeau you thought was a beret, isn't...

...I'm just saying...

Jim - You're certifiable, man, but I gotta take your word for anything hat related. What I need better vision for is to check where Toni's got the machete when I go to bed.

Did I hear or read correctly that you guys aren't gonna be there this time? Shame if it's true.

Ed - I know what you mean. I hate it when a writer kills off a good character without a good reason for doing it. I used to tell my students it was the quickest route to an F.

A couple of things have changed just since yesterday. So the jury's still out on bringing the Speedster. Kelly - you bringing Babs?

Bummer on the cataracts, but it's simply amazing what they can do with $29.95 Lasers these days.

Once you get it corrected, try finding a pair of these, my friend:,CCROU&ItemCode=CCROU01

Wicked cool-looking, Italian-styled sunglasses with a climate-control inner frame that totally blocks the wind from your eyes while keeping the lenses from fogging, AND you continue to look as cool as you possibly can - a terrific trick in this day and age. The Special ops guys out tripping around the Afghan hills are using them and swear by 'em, and I'm getting a pair for Kathy (who suffers from severe Glaucoma and has to avoid the same eye breezes as you).

Other than that, see you both at Carlisle. I'm lookin' forward to it!
Gordon, So what we have here is a pair of light weight ski goggles?? Might be cool, but I really do like Cory's WW I-style goggles if you are really intetested in blocking the wind. And who said those do not look cool???

Max: Babs said yes, and now she is waffling. I'll let her know you want to share some Oban or Maker's Mark w/ her -- she may yield to that offer . . . She thinks all she would be doing is standing around watching guys standing around talking about their cars for three days. Come to think of it, she might be right.
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