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Hi Guys, 

I'm currently building a 356A Coupe replica and I can't find any information on the correct mounting points for 57 on teardrop rear lights. I have searched various forums and can only find info for the earlier Bee Hive rears, can anyone help at all?? I've attached the image that I have found which i believe is the work of somebody from this forum.

I know It's a replica and it will never be a real Porsche but I'd like the bits I put on it to be in the 'right' place to start with. 

Thanks in advance of any help....

light position


Images (1)
  • light position
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Originally Posted by edsnova - Baltimore - BCW 52 MG TD:

Are the outlines of the teardrop lights not visible in the graphic you posted? I think I see them there.


For sure they are there, but they don't have any point that appears to share the same measurement. I have read the thread that this image originates from and it is in relation to guys looking to either restore their original cars to factory specification or to back date them. The image is made up of one being over-layed on another to give reference to the light position, unfortunately though due to the thread being about the Bee hive position nobody made mention of the tear drop measurement.

How did they not know I'd need this information years after the image was made?!?!?!? 


So....does anybody have the measurement for the tear drop lights??  



I forget - Where are you located??


Did all this on a pic I took today and THEN saw that you wanted it Metric!!


Here you go, from my CMC, carefully researched back in the mid-1990's when I built it (CMC put tail light locators right into the molded fiberglass, so if they're off it's CMC's fault!)





And for those of you lurkers who haven't yet converted to the same measurement system as the rest of the World, here it is in English units:



Tail Light Measurements


Please excuse the greasy body - I'm still putting Pearl back together.  Last Spring was way too cold out there, now it's Summer and way too hot.  I can't win, but we're getting pretty close.


Good Luck, John!!


Images (2)
  • Slide1
  • Tail Light Measurements
Last edited by Gordon Nichols



Thank you so much for the reply, that is exactly what I wanted and more. I didn't specify whether it had to be in imperial or metric but you have gone the extra mile and done it in both. Thank you again for your help it's made the next step so much easier for me and for many 356 replica builders in the future when they Google (Other search engines are available ) where to mount the rear lights on their new projects. 


I am located in Warwickshire, England so I also have the same weather issues as yourself...just without the being too hot part!


Thank you again and to all those that have taken the time to reply. A great community and one that I hope to become part of.

John:  You're more than welcome.  It's not a big deal to go out to the shop and measure stuff, especially when the car has been up on jack stands since March.  Keep asking questions - I finished mine (well, it's never quite finished, is it?) in 2000 after working on it for seven years so helping others like you is simply payback.


Haven't gotten into Warwickshire all that much - one trip to Birmingham to visit a data center and shake hands with a bunch of VP's and that was about it.  Flew out that evening to Cork, Ireland, where my company center was, although I've been retired since 2001. 


Here in Grafton, Massachusetts, we're close to Leicester (where my daughter lives), Worcester, Shrewsbury, North and South Hampton - all those places that seem like home to you.  We even pronounce them correctly!!


Keep us in the info loop as your build progresses.  We all can help a lot and we're a very large (and international) group of everything from gas-only owners to complete builders.


Someday, I swear I'm gonna get over to the Isles again, just to visit a bunch of Speedstah guys in England, Scotland and Ireland - maybe do the Goodwood show and all that!


All the best,  gn


BTW:  Currently 32 degrees C and heavy rain in Grafton at 7:41 pm.  Seems more like Brittany than "New England"!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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