Quite often Speedster replicas change hands and info gets passed down from one buyer to the next of who the original builder was. Without documentation, can the experts chime in on some of the tell-tale signs of a JPS Motorsports 356 Speedster build versus Vintage for easy comparison? And while it will be tempting I am sure to bash JPS a bit, please refrain...I have read much of the issues of dealing with him...Much appreciated!!!
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Quite often the VS built Speedsters will have a curly red wire on the alternator.
I'm not sure what JPS does but VS usually puts a hole in the firewall behind the shroud covered with wire mesh. The paint finish on the JPS should be much nicer than the VS as he puts more effort into it. The fuse box on a VS has only five or six fuses in it and it's under the dash to the left of the steering wheel. JPS may use more.
Speaking of that VS fuse box, take a look at my new post on that........Bruce
Look under the dash, if it's a complete birds nest of wires it might be a JPS!
Mr Prout you speak with clear honest tongue :~)
@RoyP post interior door panel and dash vinyl pics JPS wraps the dash vinyl different from the VS method...or just refer to Mr Prout's post :~)
JPS cars often use aluminum siding embossed with a wood-grain look for some of the engine compartment tins.
Here are interior pics....someone else told me that JPS wrapped dash all the way so that it meets the door panel better than the Vintage method. Based on these pics would you guess this is a JPS?
The door card may be the giveaway that it’s a JPS. Vintage, Beck, JPS, and IM all have their own design with door pockets (originals had no door pockets).
This looks like a JPS door to me by process of elimination.
It's a JPS...( wraps dash end) VS does the dash vinyl straight down from the forward edge of the windshield post.
Thanks for the responses.....Lane, I think I must have a limited production model without the siding and woodgrain in the engine bay...that's a nice touch though for sure.
JPS is a wiring nightmare. All wires are red or white.
Make sure you check fuel hoses behind the shroud. They end up quite close to and/or touching the fan. Burned a few cars that way I'm sure.....
RoyP posted:Thanks for the responses.....Lane, I think I must have a limited production model without the siding and woodgrain in the engine bay...that's a nice touch though for sure.
Before you determine your “enclosing tin” to be woodgrain-free, you may want to slide under the car and look at that side.
John apparently thought nobody would ever see it down there.
Perhaps there’s yet hope that yours is a fully-featured JPS, with all the bells and whistles.
I recall the time Bill Drayer ordered and received the pre cut tin from John....