I started my newly rebuilt engine today that has a temp dip stick - I would guess it's a Berg unit, but not sure - I noticed the oil temp got up to 225 or 230 after warmup and a short drive. The thing is the oil did not feel that hot when I checked the level a couple of minutes after shutting it down. I noticed the the dipstick has a alum or steel collar at the bottom of the stick ( not attached but loose ) that has a set screw in it. I am now guessing that it should be tight to the bottom of the dipstick allowing it to go in only so far. I think I am getting a false reading because the tip of the stick is resting on the bottom of the pan and I am geting that reading and not the oil temp. Do I set the collar w/ the set screw tight to the stick holding it 1/8" or 1/4" from the bottom? That will of course affect the oil level showing on the stick. This dipstick came w/ the car and has no instructions.
Thanks for any help in advance, Dale
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