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Received my Mainely dip stick. It's very nice, just what I'd wished for, even though it's VERY pricey. Sometimes you have to be careful as to what you wish for because it became evident that there's one glaring minus to this gadget...MY EYESIGHT! The analog dial is so small that I can't read it when it's properly inserted in the tube, so I have to pull it out. It's hot as hell!

I'm looking at this dip stick and it seems very familiar: A MEAT THERMOMETER...the kind you stab a roasting turkey with! I fished ours out of the kitchen catch-all drawer and they're almost identical except the meat thermometer has a much bigger and readable analog dial. The stem is a little shorter, still reaches the oil, so I don't think it's a reliable gage. That's OK. I'll just dip it in when I want a temperature reading.

And as I recall it was a $7 item in Walmarts pots and pans department!
Three reasons the Mainely one is more expensive:

1. The gauge is filled with silicon oil to damp the vibration of the needle and keep it steady.

2. It's adjustable (we calibrate ours by putting it into a cup of boiling water and set it to 212F then lock the nut)

3. They got'cha - nobody else makes one like that.

I've used an electronic meat thermometer by straightening out the curved sensor stick, but heaven only knows how accurate it is (mine was about 4 degrees off from the Mainely stick - your mileage may vary).

Welcome to the "I'm over fifty and can no longer see anything within six feet worth a damn" club. Just FWIW: Binoculars didn't help. I'm jus' sayin'.......
Well, I found the perfect oil temperature gage for me. I's made by Chaney Instruments, cleverly disquised as a DIGITAL meat thermometer and marketed through Walmart.

Its scale goes from 32 to 392 degrees Fahrenheit, and even has a Celsius option for Mango-Smoothie. Being digital, It's instantaneous reading and doesn't reguire silicon oil to dampen a vibrating analog needle. It's calibrated by a small screw to 10ths of a degree. Comes with a handy protective sheath that can be clipped out of the way in the engine bay. It can even read the air temperature in the engine bay, or whatever drifts out of my heater vents...easy in, instant read, easy out!
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