I have wanted to build a Speedster for many years, but didn't pull the trigger, as I didn't want to spend the big bucks. When I found a kit that had never been put together, just roller vw shortened pan, body attached, rebuilt trans, at what I thought to be a cheap price, I decided that if I didn't do it now I would regret it later. So after checking out all of the support and info from this site and my wife bugging me to go for it, I bought the car. I have never built a kit car, but have restored many Mustangs, MG's, VW's and a 66 Bronco that I need to finish before I start on the Speedster. So, anyway, I'm at the collecting parts stage and any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance for all the info that I'll be asking for, this should be a lot of fun!?@# I hope!
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