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I give up!!!!!!! Don't use this person he won't answer emails and if you leave a message he doesn't call back!!!!!!

Scot, keep my money, don't answer my emails or return my phone calls, but especially don't show your face around here anymore because I will be on you like shi*

Ok, lets get to the facts. Here we have a person who on at least two occasions has taken people's money without delivering any merchandise, or has avoided delivering their merchandise until the buyer spent way too much time and effort trying to get what is rightfully theirs. Just to let you know that while I was fighting for my stickers I had several people email me who had the same problem I was having, but were not man enough to make a fuss.

Why is it then that the rest of you are ready to step up and get the same treatment? I thought this was a tight knit group who stood up for one another. Who looked out for the good of the group. Who would rather do without than patronize a person or business who has taken advantage of one or more of US. Go Figure.

This is not the usual pay for the privledge situation, this is outright dishonesty. Are we so caught up in buying things that we are willing to just overlook someone within our group taking advantage of our members? If united we stand divided we fall ever applied I think it's here and now. Lets let these people know that bad business practices will not be tolerated in this house, our house.

I agree Edddie, some of you may have noticed that I posted to several threads, (any with scot purdy's name in them). I did this because I wanted anyone doing a search that found his name to see what I think of him.

It is absolutely intentional. He always answered emails with very little delay until he got the money and then he has never answered again.
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