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Well its in and its a Keepper. I am very well pleased with how the intire ordeal finaly played out.

Strickly Foreign Even did right by me they reinbursed me for all the parts that have been returned except the crank which I will try to ship this week. The total reinbursements should cover most of the rebuild cost which is another pleaseant surprize

The only additional cost I had were the carbs and the cam. I am very well pleased all in all and the car is excellent.

The automatic and this engine combo is as nice as you could hope for. and it still has just a little cam hit and is quite strong.

Now Im just waiting to see what the gas mileage is going to be but so far is looking impressive.
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Well its in and its a Keepper. I am very well pleased with how the intire ordeal finaly played out.

Strickly Foreign Even did right by me they reinbursed me for all the parts that have been returned except the crank which I will try to ship this week. The total reinbursements should cover most of the rebuild cost which is another pleaseant surprize

The only additional cost I had were the carbs and the cam. I am very well pleased all in all and the car is excellent.

The automatic and this engine combo is as nice as you could hope for. and it still has just a little cam hit and is quite strong.

Now Im just waiting to see what the gas mileage is going to be but so far is looking impressive.
Thanks Jim!I also hope so. It has to be better than what came out of the car.

I named the old engine Cladder .
Kind a like Henry names his Christmas Speedsters after Raindeer.

I guess ,I'll call this one Prancher sence it struts its stuff a bit.

You can definaly tell it has a harder hit and more pop in the exhaust. its not much quicker than the D but with the taller tires and heaver cab it's not bad and the taller tires DO keep the RPMs WAY down, And she is still got good pick up on the low end.
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