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Okay, fellas, fire 'em up.
I nominate this thread as a sort of 'where are they now' file for former SOC cars or people who've cropped up elsewhere after running out of luck here -- or as an open forum for the kinds of venting you'd do on your back porch with a bottle of some delicious and refreshing beverage and a bunch of friends.
Wolfgang, would you care to do the honors?
Pass me a pitchfork, somebody.
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Okay, fellas, fire 'em up.
I nominate this thread as a sort of 'where are they now' file for former SOC cars or people who've cropped up elsewhere after running out of luck here -- or as an open forum for the kinds of venting you'd do on your back porch with a bottle of some delicious and refreshing beverage and a bunch of friends.
Wolfgang, would you care to do the honors?
Pass me a pitchfork, somebody.
I thought Cory was having problems with his keyboard when I first read this thread title! I read as BLACK PORSCHE. Thought he had dropped the GULF racing colors for his car.

Hopefully we'll let it die and start another before it gets over 300 replies like Jack's Raby T4 Build - that seems to take forever to load up - even with hi-speed connection.

My pet rant is folks who use crappy titles for their posts. Seems you could draw interested folks in with specific focused titles. I hate the ones like "Free Sex" only to find its a comparison of Liquid Wrench vs WD40. Ok, and the Alzheimer really bad thread drifts too. Can't recall if I'm to blame for any?
Crappy title didn't apply to this thread - makes sense now that I read it correctly.

Does the Hoopty even have turn signals? Isn't it a toggle on dash?

windshield wipers - NIX (ha, no real windshield to wipe!)
Heat - NIX (ah, feel the fresh air in your crotch)
Sound deadening - NIX (not even carpeting!)
Speedo - NIX (but officer I was only in 2nd gear)
Top/side curtains - NIX

You'd love driving in FL then - old blue haired snow birds in big Buicks not sure where they're going and no hurry to get their. Turning from any lane is fair game for them --- oops, missed the BINGO or Early Bird Special turn in!
Actually, I think that it would be "Joe and I went to the car show" since Joe and I becomes the compound subject of the sentence. Because of the pronoun's usage, the first person singular nominative case "I" would be proper. Any English majors that can verify my conclusion are solicited. I hate to do sentence diagrams.

So what is the drink of the day on the back porch?
Another one for the "WTF" column; non-standard rules for distribution of beer to the masses. In Maryland, I have to go to a liquor store to buy Anchor Steam. In Virginia, I can get it at anyplace that sells food.
Grocery stores, 7-11s, the local migrant fruit stands on the side of the road ...

Grammatical pet peeve; only use an apostrophe in "its" to indicate "it is." every other useage omits the apostrophe. Contractions. Not difficult.
And for Kelly - Where is car 54? I mean the Green Hornet-

Guy Eastburn (7Guy7)
Austin,TX US
2007 JPS MotorSports posted 1/31/2010 7:54:46 PM
Yes, It's Tom Dewalt's Green Hornet. She seems to like Texas. Even though I believe its a male. Quite a rowdy and fun vehicle. Has continued to have a few sorting out areas - but nothing major. I'm curious how this particilar car drives compared to others. Very few replicas in Texas. JPS was able to answer a few questions for me.
I have another gripe. How about those clowns who take the time to put a door chock in a swinging door, but set the chock to where the door's only half-open?
That's pain, right there. Blammo, right in the forehead. And then you have to dork with the door to get it the rest of the way open.
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