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I'll get back on the 'where are they now' topic:

I'm currently in Indiana saving my pennies (for my next speedy) and rebuilding my retirement fund. I get a speedster fix occasionally by dropping in on Carey at Special Edition just a 40 minute drive from my back porch. My Beck is in Wisconsin and as Wolfgang reported the Green Hornet resides in (warmer) Texas. I'm hoping to make Carlisle this year. My sales job takes me to the Southeast States regularly where I keep hoping I'll find the time to drop in on some of my friends here. I'm still working on moving to the Carolinas or Tennessee for a longer driving season and shorter winter. For now I'm mostly a lurker here keeping my speedster experience and dream alive.

Pet peeve of the week: renovating means replacing carpet.
Never, ever, walk around a house where you've removed the foot of carpet closest to the walls -- in order to paint -- without shoes.
Anybody else ever step on a tack strip?
On a positive note, it's been so long since I was in the basement of the townhouse that I forgot all about the Guinness in the beer fridge.
Take the good with the bad, I guess.
Hey Cory,
When we acquired our Oregon cabin, the previous owner had wall-to-wall carpet in the bathroom. I guess his/her aim was pretty bad, because my significant other ripped it out the first day we were there! I "thought" I got the tack strip around the toilet out. It's really dark out there in the woods at night. So when I got up in the middle of the night . . . you see where this is going, right?
How about this. I saw a while back a slogan on some form of media or another -- tee-shirt, bumper sticker or some similar thing -- "2 much txtng maks u 1 bad spellr."
I know not everybody's good at spelling, so I'm not aiming this at those folks. I'm just mad that one of the great languages in the history of civilization, our beloved English, has been reduced to such barely comprehensible constructs as the average text message allows.
I lived in blissful ignorance until this phone. Now, even from the grown-up people I work with, I get this stuff on the screen and want to throw up a little.
Stuff like: "hey do u kno who hav the hydrnr rench?" which, I believe, meant "Hey, do you know who it was who has the hydrand wrench?"
Grrrrrrrrr. Steams me right up.
I turn funny colors when the text comes from a guy I'm three feet away from. THAT happens. Lots. I HATE that!

Y'all are fond of saying "That sh*t'll buff out," so here's one for you.
I was in a 'property damage only' fender-bender the other day with a Hyundai Elantra. He was passing in front of me from left to right at a blind intersection. The VeeDub took some damage to the right front bumper, and the Elantra took a dinger to the passenger's rear door and fender. Just a nudge, but enough.
Insurance is on the job regarding who's going to pay for what, but I don't think I'll be filing a damage claim for the Mighty Fightin' Volkswagen. I think I can fix'er right up with a little polymer and touch-up paint. I was SURE I was going to need a new bumper cover until I got out the old bucket of hot, soapy water and a scrubber.

That sh*t really did (mostly) buff out!

Cory, "Bumper Doc" really works. Wife sideswipped a cinder block wall along our driveway, scratching the painted plastic bumper pretty bad. These guys made it entirely disappear for a resonable price and in one day. The repair is not visible.
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