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Testors makes model enaml model paints in about 200 colors. If you can't getTestorsover there, you probably can get Tamaya. Theirs are water-thinned, but once they're dry, they're vary durable.
Hit the badge's painted areas with a clear-coat spray, and you shouldn't have any more problems. You'll be in even better shape if you can bake the enamel paint on -- try it with something you don't care about first, though. One of those cheesy faux-German road tax emblems, perhaps.
I am coming into this thread late but to answer your question .. No, we are not joining you on the drive up to Morro. (note saddness here). We are getting in early to check with the CofC, the parade people and the restaurants to be sure everything is set up for a smooth time. I plan on doing NOTHING after we get there. The Lovely Miss Sharon (LMS) will be handing out and lettering badges; Tour leaders will be leading; Cristine (Theron's wife) will be collecting the surprise gifts and handing out drawing stubs; the restaurant people will be serving food and drinks and I will be doing .... NOTHING !!! Now you can see my basic lazy nature, don't spread it around.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the overworked Lovely Miss Sharon
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