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The SPEEDSTER.COM NATIONAL GATHERING in Loveland, Colorado, is only FOUR WEEKS away ! September 18th through the 20th.

Our Host hotel is the brand new La Quinta Hotel,
The rate for Thur,Fri & Sunday is $89, Saturday is $109. Includes breakfast, pool, exercise room. Be sure to tell them the

1957 Vintage Speedsters, plus various Porsches and Mercedes and Corvette

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The SPEEDSTER.COM NATIONAL GATHERING in Loveland, Colorado, is only FOUR WEEKS away ! September 18th through the 20th.

Our Host hotel is the brand new La Quinta Hotel,
The rate for Thur,Fri & Sunday is $89, Saturday is $109. Includes breakfast, pool, exercise room. Be sure to tell them the
QUESTION ?? Do you folks who are attending want to do the "brown bag exchange" at our Saturday dinner? Yes or No?

For anyone who doesn't know about it here are the details.......
BROWN BAG EXCHANGE - bring a car oriented gift (model, cap, book, tool, polish supplies, etc) worth $15 or more. Put it in a sealed BROWN paper bag. You will be given a drawing ticket in exchange for your gift. As your number is drawn you get choice of any bag but your own. DO NOT mark with your name! This is an anonymous fun exchange.

Sounds like things are picking up speed, well done! Carol and I should arrive Thursday evening with speedy in tow. Will probably go directly to your home to drop off trailer and "decompress" from the drive with good company.

Daughter and husband, Carolyn and Paul, should meet up with us at the first venue on Saturday and will be staying through Sunday early afternoon.

Will definitely participate in the brown bag surprise and seeing some of the attendees, "creativity" may be the operative word..... (I really hope my wife picks one brought by Vince since I suspect that it may very well BROADen her perception of the SOC folk.)

Best regards,
Sorry guys, due to some unavoidable committments that have come up, I regretedly have to cancel my plans to attend the Loveland event. I know I am going to miss a great time and a great opportunity to show off my newly painted car. More importantly I am going to miss seeing my friends and miss the opportunity to meet some new ones. :(

Jim - I would enjoy the dunes drive but I know Karen would pass. I took my grandkids out on ATVs a couple of weeks ago and it nearly killed me digging them out of the sand all the time. Besides, we are in Montana right now and probably won't be home until around the 12th so we would probably miss that one, but keep me posted.


Sorry I just saw this post, i have had a computer virus and my computer has been on the fritz. We would love for you and Carol to come cruise down to Redondo Beach, we could all have dinner, Vince and Terri live really close and my parents are close to. Don't give that suit case away, I still want it! :-)
Don't feel too sorry for Mary, I was at Vintage today, there had to be a dozen or so tubs in various stages of completion. I was like a kid in a candy store....She could have her pick, if she played her cards right....

Here is a pic of David Gaylord's tub, on his way to the waves in Seal beach. you gotta love So. Cal.
I'm thinking Kirk should customize a rack to accomodate the surfers among us...
I love the board rack. ages ago I attached racks to my MGA soft top and drove it everywhere surfing. We are talking the late 60's. It was the standard old fashion green surf racks that clamped onto the rain gutter. I some how just clamped onto the soft top.

Wish I had some pics of that setup. I also carried a camping setup in the trunk and would drive to Mexico and camp on the beach at San Miguel and K-38.

Then there was my 914 with the soft racks. Might have to get creative with the tub.

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