Thanks dudes! Ive started on a build spec for our car (with lots of components sourced from your insightful posts) that I'm going to share with you at some point. However I made some decisions after my first encounter of the third kind. Im going to put my money on: transmission, suspension and wheels. That means:
- 2110 CC 140hp type 1 engine.
- 5 speed transmission with THE tightest shifter
- wide 5 with discs all around.
- These wheels: (cant find those anywhere! links?). Yes Im willing to shell out for those. To me those are half the soul of this car.
- (Tempted to write IRS but if the platform does not need it Im pragmatic)
Seems like you made it happen with IRS Terry?
Now, how can we make it happen? Who should build this? I have a dialogue with Vintage motorcars (Hi Alex! : ) that could take a VS-kit and enhance the sh!znit out of it. He recommends IRS.
Im more of a visual guy and would appreciate som help sketching out the details of the suspension/wheels/discs. So if you feel adventurous, please break out your pens and post some sketches for different setups.
Jim, I feel ya bro.
Life is good.