Bad news for me. At heart stress test I took yesterday showed some "abnormality" and I have an angiogram scheduled for next Wednesday. I hope that it's not serious enough for angioplasty or stent(s) but I can't drive for two days after the procedure which knocks me out of Corn Daze this year. I had a rear disc brake hub airfreighted from C. B. Performance yesterday to install before the trip so that freight cost is $125.00 wasted.
I am completely bummed that I'll miss my Speedster CDIII buddies this year but will take a raincheck and join you knuckleheads next year.
My 2 year old younger brother passed away in Miami this past April 2nd from a massive heart attack so I thought it prudent to get myself checked out. Glad I did, and the issue sounds pretty mild but I'll know more Wednesday.
Dammit to hell.