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I am not a combat veteran, but I was fortunate to work on a significant DoD project early in my career, where I met with both high-ranking Military folks (the ones signing for and approving significant milestones in the project) as well as the junior officers who were to actully use it in combat. ("It" was a rather sophisticated upgrade to an existing, airborne weaponry system, kind-of like "Bad Monkey", but call-sign "Spectre".) It was very humbling, indeed, to think that we had one hell of a weapon system, only to have the "users" try it out and then methodically point out what worked "right" and what didn't, and why. That gave us a lot of sleepless nights, trying to figure out how to make it "right", with those officers working right along with us.

In the end, we delivered (I think) one hell of a lot better product than we might have, which did more than the original scope of the project, and more than "earned its' stripes" as they used to tell us. In fact, it was described to us as "One awesome S.O.B. of a weapon..."

Still, I have to think back on those Military folks working with us, and how they were betting not only their lives, but the lives of a lot of others in the air and on the ground that this thing would work as advertised (no, maybe even better!) in saving our soldier's lives and averting other disasters. They knew what would work.....we were only trying to second-guess them.

To say that was humbling would be an understatement.

Anyway, back to "The Official Headcount Thread">>>>>>>>V

Just updated the list here:

Again; Please email me if you are coming and do not appear on the list, or if I have your dinner info wrong.

Thanks, Gordon
BS on the Muu-Muu!!

Kathy and I were out on the Big Island a while back and we met a local who gave new meaning to XXXXL. And this guy was Surfing, too!

Besides, I've seen pictures of you in your Speedy, and compared to my Brother, Friar Tuck of Grafton, Mass, you're just a little guy!!

If you get desperate, my wife is a quilter and has a contact at a fabric store in Waimea who could get you LOTS of Frangipani or Bird of Paradise fabric ;>)
Hi Guys, I've done something really, really stupid and now have to pull my engine and split the case. I won't be get going to Carlisle. I need the time to straighten it out.

I have a room at the Ramada for Friday only is someone would like it. I can give you the confirmation number and you can call to change the name. You can PM me.

I was really looking forward to going and seeing everyone! If I can get smarter I'll see you next year!

If you come without your Spedster, just go to the registration building and register the same as if you would if your Speedster was there. If they ask if you have the car there tell them no that you had engine problems and had to drive your regular car. They'll register you and let you onto the field with your daily car with no problem. I've done it a couple of times before and never got hassled.

Join us either way, there will be plenty to see and do with or without your Speedster!

Thanks for all the encouragement but I think I need to stay here and fix my mistake. I also have body work for a friend's Solo Vee that I have to paint and am way behind on. I have to get the body work done before I tear the Speedster apart because I can't paint with it in the garage. There is a local car show that I want to have my car ready for.

I was really looking forward to see eveyone and I really appreciate all the kind offers! You guys are really great!
Not sure about the check in. You may want to call. I've never stayed over Thursday Nite. As I did last year, I will buzz over to the hotel and lead the pack to The Caddy Shack. After dinner last year I went home and hit the fairgrounds Fri. A.M. for breakfast. I gotta hook up with Cory as I will probably share his room. I just may spend Thurs nite at the hotel this year. I'm not sure if the fairgrounds are open for Thurs either.

Sounds like us, if the NE Caravan goes according to Hoyle. Should be pulling in around 3-4pm.

Steve Perry and John Estes (our perennial caravaner) will be meeting up somewhere near Mystic, CT and bee-lining for the Tappan-Zee Bridge, as will we, but from a different direction. We'll be meeting up at the Southbound Rest Area on 287 on the West Side of the Hudson, sometime around 10:30 or so, and then a straight shot to Lunch and on to Carlisle via 287 - 78 - 81.

Anyone who wants to hook up with us, please contact me and we'll exchange cell phone numbers.

Gordon and Chris
Thanks, Vince!

I went out and bought a new Hawaiian Shirt just for MC'ing the raffle!!

Should be a great time. Just wish we had as nice a venue to go to as Y'all had at that park in Paso....But the food is great, and after a few beers we forget about not having trees ;>)

Watch for the notice of pictures.....we should be able to get some posted starting Friday...

Dinner count updates made, but I'll update the "official" post latr tonight (time for dinner right now....)



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  • Me and Pearl
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