I had to take my little Sophie to the vet for a blood run-up today and we were met at the door by a cute, sable-brown, long-haired Dachshun. The owner came over to retrieve his pooch and as he lifted her up I see his face and it's..........Bill Pickering Sr.!!!!
Some of you may remember the Pickering Clan from Carlisle - Bill Sr., Bill Jr. And Bill III all at the Saturday dinner. They have a deep maroon IM....don't know the year. Senior and his wife had been living in Florida until last year and moved back to New England to be closer to the grandkids (sounds sadly familiar) while the IM has been staying not far from me at Bill Jr.'s.
We had a nice visit and I told him I would let you folks know he's still kickin'.
He also mentioned a VW friend of his up in New Hampshire, and THAT guy is in the local 356 club with me and someone I've mentioned on here as an original 356 driver who drives his car all over the country every year!
The world continues to be small, indeed.