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I had nightmares of Lucas taking over my 1978 Intermeccanica, (not really..I love lucas wiring and the quirky ways of the English)..anyway the headlights quit the other night and I found the in-line fuse ..I'll just replace it...Wrong..the only this that would hold is a slow-blow (ie. bolt)..and the wire gets hot..but it was enough to get home..I need a wiring diagram for this thing..can anyone please help..interestingly when the alarm is armed the lights will flash with the fuse out..hmmm..I have not tried anything yet...any info-help is greatly appreciated..Tom
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I had nightmares of Lucas taking over my 1978 Intermeccanica, (not really..I love lucas wiring and the quirky ways of the English)..anyway the headlights quit the other night and I found the in-line fuse ..I'll just replace it...Wrong..the only this that would hold is a slow-blow (ie. bolt)..and the wire gets hot..but it was enough to get home..I need a wiring diagram for this thing..can anyone please help..interestingly when the alarm is armed the lights will flash with the fuse out..hmmm..I have not tried anything yet...any info-help is greatly appreciated..Tom
In the Library section of this site, you'll find manuals for CMC.
There's a wiring diagram there. This should be close.
Any VW manual will also have wiring diagrams.
or... go here for diagram that shows the basics.

No two cars are wired exactly the same.

Greg B
Tom, if your lights glow,flash or other when turning on another system it means that
you have weak grounds. The issue of your fuse blow is another story. Too much amperage.
Caused by:
1.short to ground on your supply wire between your fuse and lights.
2.You may have recently added to the system load. fog lights?
3.But what I think you have is a shared ground for your lights and some other components.
The electricity that used to leave your switch, go thru your bulbs and to ground. Now has to
look elsewhere for a good ground (path of least resistance) so skips over thru the group
ground and travels backward thru other systems and bulbs (hence the flickering/glowing).
Clean up your grounds, add an extra and I think you'll be fine. It's a start anyway.
another way to check is to just piggy back a ground to your head light and see if it goes away. If yes, then find your ground issues and clean them up. If no=I'm wrong.==oops
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