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    Cold hands? Let me tell you about cold hands!!!


    I'm on medication (literally a daily mild dose of D-Con rat killing ingredients) to get my blood down to about the viscosity of gasoline....they turn red and begin to sting at 50 degrees.


    Twice last winter (with gloves on!) I ignored the stinging while shoveling and snow blowing the driveway, turn-around, and walkway, and suffered frost bitten fingertips...

    This winter I'm opting for fingerless wool mittens. I'm looking for the kind the Germans wore at Stalingrad with a slit in the palm to occasionally poke the trigger finger through...then I can fiddle with fine tuning the speed settings on the snow blower. 

Originally Posted by David Stroud Ottawa Canada '83 IM Soob:

I put mine away 3 1/2 weeks ago.....


I took mine off the road a few weeks back for a new transmission. It's supposed to be off the road for four weeks, something tells me it's going to be off the road until mid to late November. At that point, in California it may make it out of the garage for a few trips here and there.


I now realize I should have listened to Terry when he questioned my timing.


The good news is that once the trans is done, I can put that whole 'third gear' b.s. behind me.


I may install seat heaters while the car is off the road.



Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

Stan it looks like we are getting a little Indian summer this weekend (high 60's to low 70's).  Looks like we'll be cruising once again.



I'd send a snappy picture of tan corn stubble, but you'd just get jealous. Mrs Galat says, "70*, or she ain't ridin'". I think we may be done.


Tis a pity.

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