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@Wright Conceptz

'Welcome To The Madness' known as replicar ownership! 

Most SOCers don't plan to, or intentionally drive in inclement weather, but sometimes it happens (scorching sun, rain & hail). Like any other weather experience driving these cars, you just deal with it as best you can with hats, 3M Blue painters' tape, tarps and what not. 

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Wishing you many enjoyable miles of top-down driving and viewing the road through a Speedster windshield. 


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Wright, congratulations on marrying the right wife, and, oh, on the Speedster, too.

You should know that rain is a kind of, well, touchy subject here.

Some of us are stoic about insisting that these are, too, real cars, dadgummit, and can be driven in any weather. Some of us will admit, although not in public, that the cars do have their limitations.

Some of us drill drain holes in the floorpans and press on regardless.

You may occasionally hear tales of the Great Carlisle Flood or the Tahoe Blizzard of '16, but those are mostly apocryphal.

In the end, only you can decide how much punishment you're willing to endure in the pursuit of your passion.

Party on.


On a single trip, I have driven my Speedster over 700 miles in a thunderstorm. I was bringing it home from Orlando. I HAD to go. Top up and curtains in place, towels in hand; I was wet from mid thigh to my feet. Porsche designed the Speedster to be a fair weather car. The top was for emergencies only.

I am a life long motorcycle rider; have been wet many times. To be caught in the rain is one thing; to intentionally leave in the rain is something else again. I'm guilty of that.

Having said that, A gentleman does not motor in the rain.

Last edited by Jim Gilbert - Madison, Mississippi

"Having said that, A gentleman does not motor in the rain."

Yes, but few of us are gentlemen. 

Ah the Great Carlisle Flood of 2008, aka the Second Biblical Flood!  So much rain fell that some parked cars (cough, Kelly, cough) became hydrolocked from the water pouring in the rear grill and into the carbs.  We all learned the value of "rain hats" on our carbs that year.  The first 300 miles of my trip home (along with John Hallstrand and Leon Chupp) were, um, challenging.  The rain was so heavy at times that you couldn't seen the tiny little tear-drop taillights of the car in front of you-or the car to which they were attached.

Everybody who uses their car (as opposed to treating it like garage art) has occasionally driven in the rain. Sometimes in a light sprinkle, sometimes in a downpour.

Getting over the "better leave it home, it might rain" hump is the second step to really enjoying your car. The first one is getting past, "well I can't leave it parked-- what if something happened to it?"

I've driven in ALL conditions except snow. Once in November 2008 I was testing the top/side curtains/heater in a cold rain, until the road started to glaze over. That was a real pucker moment!

I left for my first Carlisle(2006) in cloudy-it's-gonna-rain conditions. As most of you know, I have a Spyder, and had no top or side curtains until years later. I had my rain gear from work with me, but man it was a cold rain, including some hail! Man that hurts! 

The inside of the car loaded up with water enough that I drilled holes in the floor to let it out as it came in, and it shorted out my MSD box! It did come back to life after the waters receded.

If you want to look at it in the garage, fine. If you want to go out and get wet, fine. To each their own. The carpet DOES dry........

YES..... !!!!!

Having over 50 aircooled VWs I have a soft spot. I was getting a need to move on. Then "The Wife" surprised me with my dream car. So I got sucked right back into the Aircooled life....and I'm ok with that. I will work on getting the 69 Ghia back on the road as well soon. If all goes well I will be getting back into the Tshirt side of things, all my stuff is in storage right now. We shall see....I'm into so many things. Time is hard to come by.



Thanks all !!!!

@DannyP posted:

I've driven in ALL conditions except snow. Once in November 2008 I was testing the top/side curtains/heater in a cold rain, until the road started to glaze over. That was a real pucker moment!

I left for my first Carlisle(2006) in cloudy-it's-gonna-rain conditions. As most of you know, I have a Spyder, and had no top or side curtains until years later. I had my rain gear from work with me, but man it was a cold rain, including some hail! Man that hurts! 

The inside of the car loaded up with water enough that I drilled holes in the floor to let it out as it came in, and it shorted out my MSD box! It did come back to life after the waters receded.

If you want to look at it in the garage, fine. If you want to go out and get wet, fine. To each their own. The carpet DOES dry........

ive had a few 20-40 ouncers  tip over,,it all dries..  kinda hard to spill a beer on a bike,

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