Okay. So I haven't posted for ages. And I've not paid my subscription. But it is all your fault. Here's how:
I've loved these cars since I first saw one when I was 17. That's 20 odd years back now. My craving only got worse when I found this site. Suddenly, the possibility of owning one got a little closer. I devoured this site. On a business trip to Vancouver (you know the kind, the one I just had to make, nothing at all to do with IM being there), I went and visited IM and drove a car and got a quote from Henry.
I guess, sometimes, we live in this world where we want the reality to be like our dreams. As in, we want to think that we can build an IM to our specs, for importation to New Zealand of all places, for a grossly unrealistic price. The fact is, you can't. They are bloody expensive, at least in my book. And the price I got was more than a reality check, it was a reality body slam. And that made me take a step back and go back to the first principles that all the wise people on this site espouse. Like... try before you buy. I mean, I was thinking about buying one of these cars -- because I WANTED one -- and I've never even owned a convertible. Or a two-seater car.
Now, getting an used IM, JPS, Beck, Vintage, etc, in NZ ain't happening, because there aren't any here. Ditto for just about any other manufacturer, including platinum, which are few and far between.
So, I bought a 1978 Fiat Spyder. And I love it. It is so much fun. It fits the bill of being a bit different... there aren't many of them around either. It runs fine, it doesn't leak. I'm having a blast. Do I still want a speedster? You bet. But the Fiat cost me less than one-tenth of what it would cost to get an IM built. Let alone, built and shipped here.
I guess my point is... it is so easy to fall in love with these cars. It is so easy to want the best, to set your sights high. All of those are good ideals, fine aspirations. And if you can meet them, you should. But you should do so ONLY after you've looked around a bit. Because I've found a way to achieve 90% of what I wanted, for 10% of the price. I'm still gonna own a speedy one day. Just not now. And when I do, I will be much more realistic about what I'm getting into.
And, I guess I gotta go join the Fiat site now...
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