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Here are a few pics of the gray seats, I never took them out of the box that they came in, just took the seller at his word that they were perfect, and they are. Like the dark red ones, they evidently were never used or even installed. The little dents and such are from being stuck into the box and will, of course roll out over a short time.

Oh, they smell great ! ! No "new car smell" more like "boat show" smell if you know what I mean. Subtle, but there non the less.

Anyway here are some pics, I ought to have some of the prices ready to post tomorrow or next.

Just got reminded that Thanksgiving is coming up and I gotta start cooking things to bring to Barbara's. I won't get the prices organized until this Friday/over this weekend knowing me (unfortunately) so very well.

Without going to far overboard, I found a bunch of brake parts, cylinders, masters, various hard and soft lines, Shortened clutch cable (from Vintage), gauges and such that I probably won't bother listing here, but have lying around down cellar if anyone wants to bother asking about 'em.

If I stumble over anything really terrific or useful, I'll add it to the posting for sure.

Otherwise, I promise to get some prices up soon and remember, if it's too much or too little, be sure to make an alternate offer, OK? Some of the parts are worth keeping almost, but most of them need to be sold to get extra coin for my Bullitt Mustang down payment.

Just finished up with a pretty severe deadline, so I was sort of avoiding everything else.

Got several emails and need to sort through and respond.

Also revived an email early on from a man/company(?) in Connecticut looking to grab the whole lump. Everything and anything Porsche or Speedster related. No shipping, no PayPal, no nothing, just come up with a truck and grab it all.

My kinda deal.

So, for now, you're all screwed ! ! ! At least until I hear the final offer from this guy. Hate to do it, but it's impossible to resist. If he and I can't come to terms, I'll put prices on everything and dump it on you, otherwise it's going to Connecticut and I'm shut of it without one trip to UPS.

You might be a little mad (although probably not since I haven't even priced them out, let alone taken any coin) but this is a tiny twinge that'll pass by next week. If I'd already taken any money and done my usual s-t-r-e-t-c-h between getting the cash and actually send the goodies, you'd REALLY be pissed at me. It's actually taken me a year to send a part.package off to the buyer.

Really . . .

Anyway, you can stop complaining for now and get right to the insulting. If the deal falls through, it's open season. If not, good for me . . .

You sure as hell did Tom--thanks a lot!

BUT--I located metal Meisterschaften badges. Stoddard stocks them, metal with gold plating. I called yesterday and they are about $15.00
and Tom., I'll buy us both one. They are OOS but will call me when they get some in.

Can't go around with a fake plastic Meisterschaften badge on our fake plastic cars, can we??
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