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Big Jim...
I got it from Tiger at A-1, down your way in Santa Ana. It's the merged 1 5/8", Sidewinder set up mentioned in the above posts. After the high temp. paint job, my next step is to put it back in it's box and ship it to Pat Downs at CB Performance. He's building me what he calls an "IM style" 2110 motor.
The rear tab on the muffler welds to #1 exhaust flange on the heater box.
Ernie -

Thanks for the heads-up! I went to A-1 Muffler this last weekend and talked with Tiger - pretty nice guy and very knowledgeable. The appearance of his shop is also very neat, organized and professional looking, which is encouraging from a quality stand-point.

Anyway, this week I'm having an exhaust similar to yours installed at A-1 with a center-exit chromed oval tip (j-pipes to be flanged). Should look and sound pretty cool without being too obnoxious.

I'll post pics and maybe a video (sound reference) by this weekend!

Peace - Out!
Well that's great to hear jordan! Thanks a million!
Spoke to Pat at CB just today: my (shipped last week) exhaust kit has not arrived at their shop yet. I'm assured that my motor's construction will begin as soon as it arrives. No Spring rush delays (I hope) for me! Upon arrival at CB, it looks like about 7 weeks before I get it.... I'll be more than ready!
Ernie -

Finally got my computer up and running after a little tune-up.

Anyway, here is a short clip of the exhaust that Tiger of A-1 Performance Muffler put on my car. It's the same set-up you have in your picture. The sound is not the best quality (still using a Malibu Barbie camera with a 256MB card), but it should give some reference as to the sound of the exhaust. Also did a pretty good job of blowing some kitty litter out of my oil drip pan.

I have a pretty basic set-up; 1835cc with dual Kadrons, so I'm sure that your CB engine (bigger cc and webber carbs) will sound different, but I think you'll get the idea. It's a throaty sound under acceleration but a nice mellow tone when cruising.

There's a scary moment at the end of the clip so brace yourself!!

Peace - Out!
Sounds and looks good Jim....
Did you have that intruder arrested?
The thing that really gets to me though is the shorts and tee shirt. Yesterday, we got all the way up to 54* in the Sac. valley. Since this was the warmest day in weeks, I did take a 30 minute spin in the speedy. However, it took about 5 layers of sweat shirts and jackets to get the job done. Still it was sweet!
Heeyyy, don't say I didn't warn you guys about the scary bit at the end of that clip! With THAT mug, I was getting SHOT AT by both sides of the war in Nam!! Good thing I was a medic!! Now you know why anytime I've been pulled over by the cops, when they see me with my wife Ginny, the cops ALWAYS ask her if she's OK! Obviously they'd never seen 'Beauty and the Beast'!

Cory - I think our barbers went to the same barber school (not that you really need any kind of training or skill to achieve the look of my haircut!).

Ernie - glad you had a chance to go for a cruise the other day. Hope you can make it to the Paso meet in April meet so we can check out your Speedy with the new engine!

Peace - Out!


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  • Jim  Ginny Solvang
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