Dale, I haven't actually bought them yet, but I plan on using the 8inch ( which will fit horizontally). My intention is to get 4 of them ( for major brightness) and mount them near the top. I will make a small bracket of sheet aluminum , mount all four to the sheet ( angled correctly, and then mount the sheet inside the grill with t sheet metal screws. I may have to trim the inside of the grill with a dremal to clear the lights, but I will have "RED" screaming when I hit the brakes. I just had a pro repaint the car, because I just wasn't totally happy with my paint job. Interestingly, I really didn't know this local painter, and was'nt sure if I could trust him for the quality I wanted. I went into his shop mid week, and the speedster was sitting between a testarosa, and a new vette. I figured if those owners trusted him, I certainly could. I'm putting all the lights and chome/emblems on this week from the front to the back.....when I get at the back, I'll order those led's from whitney.
By January I should be able to drive this beast for the first time....Yahoo