Asking prices approaching half a million dollars!!!.....Utterly astounding.
In 1974 I drove my little red coupe to one of the first of Jerry Keyser's 356 Registry 'membership gatherings' in Greenwich Ct. The undisputed star attraction of the show'n tell was a magnificent black speedster that was for sale. I commented to my wife that I'd trade her in for it....She retorted "Honey, I'd trade myself in for it!" (Actually my Laurie was selling herself short. She was worth much more than a magnificent, mouth watering, set of wheels)
Anyway, the owners price (as I recall) was a firm $3,800... WHAT?? What the hell was he smoking? It was really nice, but not three thousand eight hundred dollars nice....Now the asking price is a hundred times that amount?!
Upon reflection, maybe I've just puttered around the fringes of 'life' and its realities far too long.