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Dave - The 356 guys meet every 3rd Saturday at Scottys, but maybe I will go to the Pismo Beach Direlects at the Orchard Hardware parking lot. Maybe I will see you there? They get there pretty early and break up around 8:30 or 9:00.

Leon - She must have been inside with the heat on. The only area that could have hit 70 yesterday would have been Paso Robles, but I doubt it. It's been pretty chilly here, for the Central Coast. Had to wear a sweatshirt while playing golf. (East Coasters, please don't laugh) The weather forecast is to be a little warmer this weekend.
The left rear mirror tells everything you need to know about your car. I love it just the way it is. I can't believe how many people thought it was a genuine survivor. Bring it to Pismo in June, but leave it just the way it is. To use your word, patina says it all. Nice to meet you. Let's do it again. Don't forget, Scottys every 3rd Saturday, right after Pismo Derelicts.
Thanks Warren, Scott, Will and Jim, it was fun! I have a host of cars and most are restored, but this little guy I intend to keep as it is. It's a 30 year old build with a great deal of 'patina', my new word for rust! :-) I too, couldn't believe how many thought it was an original "survivor", in fact, Warren's first words when he walked up to it, was just that! "Yours is an original 356!" Naturally, if you look close, it's obvious that it's not. Through the years, it's enjoyed a new chassis, several motors and since I've got it, I've put carpeting, seats, door panals, tonneau cover, disc brakes, duel carbs, and electronic ignition. I bought a new banjo wheel for it, but I just can't bring myself to remove that beat up old wheel that's on it. As it stands now, I don't intend to do anymore, well maybe I'll carpet the trunk, but the exterior stays as it is. I mean, look at this rear view mirror, you gotta love it!

Don't get me wrong, I love the ones being built today; they're absolutely beautiful. In fact, I may get or do one like that, but this little guy is going to stay like it is.
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