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Does anyone have any insight on the differences between the TR and Beck cars?

Second, I see on the Beck website that rolling chassis start at $19,500 sans engine.

On, they say that they're a Beck dealer and sell turn-keys for $19-something. Did I find an old website or do the prices vary that much for the same car?

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Does anyone have any insight on the differences between the TR and Beck cars?

Second, I see on the Beck website that rolling chassis start at $19,500 sans engine.

On, they say that they're a Beck dealer and sell turn-keys for $19-something. Did I find an old website or do the prices vary that much for the same car?


I followed the link to Just Vee Dubs and WOW! Apparently they are my engine supplier too! I'd better call Pat at CB and let him know he needs to stop making motors! :)
I don't know who they are, who they think they are, who they are trying to fool, etc...
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

If you let me know where you are located, I'll direct you to the proper channel!

Hello Carey,

I'm not sure how to email you privately so will post here.

Thanks for your quick reply. I like the Beck car a lot but I'm a little confused. There was the justveedubs website that made it sound like they're an authorized dealer and then there's a place in Boulder, CO that I thought was the head office for Beck in the U.S. but then I found your website in Indiana. Whew!

I'd love to see one of your cars. Are there any dealers in the Dallas, TX area or perhaps just a customer that has purchased one of your cars?

Thanks a bunch.

astro951 at mac dot com
Lane and Jeff,

The short version:
My father (Kevin) and Chuck Beck have been business partners/friends for over 25 years. Chuck was making the spyder in Cali and dad was making cars in Brazil (ENVEMO, Puma, Lafer, to name a few). They hooked up, liked each others products, and joined forces. Dad took Chuck to Brazil and they (along with the former head of Puma) established our factory, Chamonix. Dad and Chuck have both "retired" (as retired as they will ever be) and I stepped up to the pump.
My father, even in his "retirement", still oversees and imports ALL Chamonix products while I distribute, assemble, customize, R&D everything EXCEPT the aircooled version of the Spyder. This is done by Chuck Beck Motorsports, who purchased the distribution rights a few years back (i.e. "retirement" fund...)

Anyway, I found out VERY early that I don't have time to rep all of North America, and established a small dealer network. Luke Richards (Boulder Speedster Company) is my largest speedster dealer. He represents the Mississippi River and everything west of that point. He knows the car very well, and isn't afraid to send questions directly to me if he doesn't know the answer, which is rare...

I set up uniform MSRP pricing which anyone should receive from ANY dealer. One will not save money coming directly to me. However I am happy to communicate directly with the customer during their build process, decision processes, etc. ALL of the speedsters come through my shop in Indiana first, about 90% of them are finished here as well.

Again, I do not know who JustVeeDubs is. Their pricing is 3 years old, I found a bunch of their information to be incorrect, the pictures are stolen, the list goes on. They are NOT dealers of mine... I have notified our legal dept. about the infringement and advised them to take immediate action.

Hope this helps. I am always open to questions/comments.

BTW, we have several customers in Texas. Houston, Ft. Worth, Carrolton. Send me an email and I can put you in touch with some.
carey at


Jeff Mo,

The title of your post was "Thunder Ranch vs Beck". I own a Thunder Ranch 1957 Speedster Type-2 replica. I took delivery of my car in early December and I am very happy with the car. You can see it if you look at the string under the forum titled "Events" check the posts by John Leader and cut and paste the URL
which is also on posts on that string. On that string I have posted some photos of cars and owners that won awards at the Knott's show.

Ray Armstrong, brought his very nice silver Beck, which he brought to Knotts. He seems very happy with it.
Thats right!! I have a lot of fun with my beck, I purchased mine from Luke Richards. I picked mine up in San Diego in janurary of 2004 and I have been driving the hell out of it ever since. These cars are so much fun to drive. I have to admit that I have had dealings with justveedubs and I can tell you they were bad. I ordered two sets of nerf bars and I only receaved one set. after repeded e-mails and other coresspondence , I was told basically to go pound sand. I will not under any reason do business with that company again. I beleave them to be disonest and certently not worth the bother. I have logged several thousand trouble free miles in my beck, and I enjoy it very much. I concider it my daily driver. I live in the central valley of california and I am close to a lot of really nice country roads. the sierra foothills and only a little over an hour to the coast.
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