My newbie needs advice topic disappeared off the forum so I lost a lot of my Q&A. How are these Spyders to drive in cold weather? What are the high and low temp. limits? Do I need a helmut and goggles to protect from flying rocks and bugs, etc? Can I use a driver zipout tonneau and cover the passenger side to hold heat in around my legs? Do these things even have a heater? I see pictures of people showing there car off at 'the races' are there amatuer racing venues for these cars?
How much face protection do I need if I'm just driving around town at 30-50mph? If I take a road trip do I have anywhere to bring luggage?
Should I wear a Helmut all the time due to the lack of protection or would I just look ridicules ? In other words what is the clubs general consensus on these issues?
Has anyone rigged up a luggage carrier for the rear? Has anyone used a bra to cut down on the usual road chips?
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