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I almost lost it in my divorce 3.5 yrs ago... but managed to hang on to it... but now with the down economy... I've decided to let her go... fun little car.. easy to maintain, and garage kept.. about 12,500 KM on the odometer... tires still look new... asking $24,000 OBO... is titled as a 1959 Porsche Speedster (not a vw)... 99% sure it was built by vintage speedsters and sold to the Lotus dealership in Scottsdale, AZ where my boss had originally purchased it for $37,500 back in 2003-4...
please email me at can send more pics and information as needed.
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I almost lost it in my divorce 3.5 yrs ago... but managed to hang on to it... but now with the down economy... I've decided to let her go... fun little car.. easy to maintain, and garage kept.. about 12,500 KM on the odometer... tires still look new... asking $24,000 OBO... is titled as a 1959 Porsche Speedster (not a vw)... 99% sure it was built by vintage speedsters and sold to the Lotus dealership in Scottsdale, AZ where my boss had originally purchased it for $37,500 back in 2003-4...
please email me at can send more pics and information as needed.


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OK, so here's something I don't understand:

Guys on this site seem obsessed with resale value- to the extent that a lot of guys will defend bad builds from the same builder as their own cars, in hope that the reputation and value of their car will not be diminished when it comes time for a sale.

.... and yet, when a guy posts a car for sale with a price north of $20K, guys (who are not in the market for another car) jump all over him for being "out of touch" (or some such thing). If you aren't in the market for a car, what do you care if a guy can get a premium for his.

Here's a heads up: if guys can sell their cars for more than you think they are worth, it's a good thing for you when it comes time to sell. We should all be HOPING sellers can get as much as possible for their used cars. A strong used market is good news for guys who already won cars.

Food for thought...

I'm with you. Everything I have is always for sale except my wife and my twins. (the twins, however, are for rent to anyone who would like the 11 year old twin boy experience for a weekend. You pay transport and maintenance. Just kidding.) I think it is probably natural to compare your car to whatever advertised vehicle you see, as well as do the quick mental math as to how it stacks up against others that have sold.

However, if everything is disclosed and represented honestly, the more $$ the merrier.

"Your boss got Vintage is currently somewhere around 25K, you will need to lower your price to be taken seriously on this site"

Stan, couldn't agree with you more, my post above was in reference to the guy who paid 37K for a new Vintage thru a re-saler, and that as a rule the guys who frequent this site are usually more savey as to what the prices should be for a used Vintage vs what a new turnkey is currently going for....Use craigslist or ebay if you want to get as much as possible, but not here, it won't work.....
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