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Hey Josh R, I see you're not getting the answer to your question. There is a reason why. We need more information about your 356. Is it a stock metal bodied speedster, Glass body speedster and if so, what make it the body???

It's hard to answer without knowing what you have. In any case, the best fit would be to have it made and fitted to your car. Most upholstery shops can handle that as well as sail shops who to upholstery for boats. Builders like Special Editions and Vintage Motorcars have their own design and snap patterns especially for their cars. I have a VMC and my cover fits perfectly. Hope that helps.

Last edited by Butcher Boy

See you're in Perth - down under!  I have CMC but didn't like the black vinyl so I sold it here on SOC and went with a VS one from Calif.  15 years ago it was like $380 (full tonneau) plus shipping for the StayFast fabric in tan.  I bought a new convertible tan top too.  It's ok but could have been made better.  Now they are $600 from VM.  Not sure if they are still the same (and mine was made 15 years ago!).  I think you could have one made locally for far less than shipping/tax/customs added in.  Mike mentioned pocket for steering wheel - that's a great feature (assume yours will be right-hand drive.)

Stoddard has them for real Porsche for $845 but there are no photos and they may not fit a replica.

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