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The E-type Jaguar (XKE) used a dropped floor pan after the first of the series received complaints about fitting taller drivers.
The only issues are that ground clearance will be lessened and the lowered floor pan will be visible in the side view.
There's not a heck of a lot of other directions to turn to create more space.
Adam, dropping the floor pan can be done however, in my opinion, it is totally unsafe. You're already at risk for road debris with a flat floor and, even if you dropped the floor only 1 inch, you're hit bottom as you turned in to and out of, driveways, road drainage bumpes etc etc. When I had my Beck, I removed 2 inches of padding from the seat cushion, it helped but didn't solve the problem. (I'm 6' 1" and weigh 215.) By the way, the removal of padding made for a slightly uncomfortable ride. A smaller seat may help but it may be akward due to your size.
In SHORT (Joke) you ain't gonna do it!

I had a dropped floor pan, I'm 6'02" tall with a 33" inside leg
( long legs with UK size 12's stuck on the end of them)

I could not duck under the windscreen / windshield

I gave up and wore shades and a hat.

Nuff said

alas the car is now sold ( march 2007)and now believed distroyed in an accident/ fire




Images (2)
  • RS60 Spyder spring 2005 006
  • 718 RSK RS60 Rep 017
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