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I'm in the process of installing a new top on my CMC. last night I ran into what could be a roadblock, may just be my OCD-like behavior. It seems that the top is about 1-2 inches too short. I drew a chalk line that I am using to line up the buttons where the top fastens to the body. I put the metal bows on, fastened it to the car and then (before i puncture top to put buttons on) checked the alignment of the material. I then stretched it, nice and snug, to the windshield bow. I had a friend hold the top to the snaps using the chalk line. i lined up the front to the bow and the material will only reach about halfway on the bow. Not enough for me to curl it under to secure it using upholstery adhesive. Anyone have any tricks they may have used when installing theirs? 

Are there differences in length/height in the metal frame bows that came on the cmc vs the ones used by vintage? This is the only thing I can see that may cause this.


This is my first venture into any kind of upholstery work so any tricks of the trade are welcomed!! thanks!

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It is possible that whoever installed the windshield originally, did so in an odd place.  The distance from the front most top bow bolt, to the base of the windshield on my vintage is 32 inches.  My CMC/FiberFab was similar.  I replace the top with one from Vintage last year,and had plenty of fabric to wrap around. 

What is the distance on yours?


Ensure tensioners are loosened - recall you had lost one and had to fabricate new one.  If your CMC is rare one with wind up windows - the windshield and top bows are indeed taller - suspect by 4-5 more inches of top would be required.  Show a picture that indicates how far windshield is placed forward - and how up-right it is installed as that could also increase length required.  Are the rear mounting snaps already installed?  How far back are they from the rear "seat" edge? Build manual says 1" back. Like Mango said the bows could be shortened - but that cuts down sparse headroom.

windshield was installed per cmc specs. I will check the measurements to see if they are close to what you recommend. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Theron:

It is possible that whoever installed the windshield originally, did so in an odd place.  The distance from the front most top bow bolt, to the base of the windshield on my vintage is 32 inches.  My CMC/FiberFab was similar.  I replace the top with one from Vintage last year,and had plenty of fabric to wrap around. 

What is the distance on yours?



Originally Posted by WOLFGANG - '13 CMC FWB, FL:

Ensure tensioners are loosened - recall you had lost one and had to fabricate new one.  If your CMC is rare one with wind up windows - the windshield and top bows are indeed taller - suspect by 4-5 more inches of top would be required.  Show a picture that indicates how far windshield is placed forward - and how up-right it is installed as that could also increase length required.  Are the rear mounting snaps already installed?  How far back are they from the rear "seat" edge? Build manual says 1" back. Like Mango said the bows could be shortened - but that cuts down sparse headroom.


I'll get some pics and measurements up later tonite. the snaps are 1" from seat edge. 

no wind up windows on this one. as far as headroom, I'm not too concerned since the top will be used just for when i park the car or store it in garage. these were made to be topless!!



these are all good suggestions/tips. thanks. hope to get this wrapped up (pun intended) within the next or so!!

Originally Posted by jcerra356:
Originally Posted by

you might need to shorten the two bows.  i lowered mine when i first did my top to get a nice "low-bow' profile.


this was the only solution I could see when frustration set in last night. you have any measurements off yours so I can compare? lets see that low-down look you got also!


and for a zillion more:

I went through this same predicament when I installed a VS Stayfast cloth top (meant for low bows) onto my CMC, which came with high top bows.  


I documented the process of getting the top bows to match the expected height of the top, complete with pictures, and can send you a copy if you email me at speedstahguy at so I'll have your return email address. 


It also includes notes about fabricating speedster side windows and some other goodies.



The Speedstah Guy from Massachusetts

Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by jcerra356:
Originally Posted by

you might need to shorten the two bows.  i lowered mine when i first did my top to get a nice "low-bow' profile.


this was the only solution I could see when frustration set in last night. you have any measurements off yours so I can compare? lets see that low-down look you got also!


and for a zillion more:

abso-frikken-lutely gorgeous tub!!

Originally Posted by jcerra356:
windshield was installed per cmc specs. I will check the measurements to see if they are close to what you recommend. Thanks!
Originally Posted by Theron:

It is possible that whoever installed the windshield originally, did so in an odd place.  The distance from the front most top bow bolt, to the base of the windshield on my vintage is 32 inches.  My CMC/FiberFab was similar.  I replace the top with one from Vintage last year,and had plenty of fabric to wrap around. 

What is the distance on yours?



 i'm right at 32in on both sides. after reading a lot of the info sent to me, it looks like i may either have to fab up new bows or cut down the existing ones. I'm thinking of getting some cheap copper or aluminum tubing at home depot, bend some new bows to use as mock-ups, and play around with that for a while until i get the right height/slant/fit to this.



I had thought of using this. I went to day to a nut/bolt shop near my office and they have them in all sizes. Im gonna take off a bow and a mounting screw to get everything matched up correctly. I'm gonna do this setup so it will allow a good angle on the bows as well as up/down adjustment to get a perfect level on top....yep, i can go that OCD on things
Originally Posted by WOLFGANG - '13 CMC FWB, FL:

Didn't someone add Heim Joint to the end of the top bows?  Threading the ends of bows and using a heim joint with lock nut would give up to an inch of adjustment. (Was it an early top by Mango?)


Rubicon Express Part r/eqa1cfr8 - Female Heim Joint


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