Taking your time to check, recheck and recheck again for correct fit and even left to right fitment before you install snaps or glue anything. Top attaches to the rear body area with snaps that are placed close tot he body lip ( too far away from the lip and you'll come up short on material at the windshield), it is important to mark the exact center of the top, place a snap on center and then evenly spaced around the top base edge. The top gets glues to the windshield header bow and then tucked and glued into the underside groove. The clips get attached to the headed bow. Expect this entire process to take the better part of a day to to do this. I just installed a top last night in two hours, but have done many.
When in doubt, ... stop and ask questions.
Tom should be able to walk you through this, you can also pull up the CMC build manual in the Knowledge Section for the top installation instructions. ~Alan
Tools and supplies:
Leather punch, snap installation tool, chalk, 3M adhesive, chip brushes, blue painters tape, tape measure, duct tape.