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any hard tops for the replica speedsters?
Confused on your post? Intermeccanica Roadsters have rear windows that all unzip and fold down. Beck will do this as a custom option too. They also make a custom fitted hardtop.
any clue as to the $$ figure on the hard top?
Carrera Coachwerks offers a Speedster hardtop. We kept seeing really ugly options so we created one that we liked. I'll post a pic this week. They will be going up on our website soon for sale.
awassom!! I was thinken something along the lines of the giha coupe top,me finding a 356 coupe to pop a mold off & then retro fit it to a speedsteris kinda far feched (finding a car to make a mold off of) I will look foward to seeing it& hope I can aford day...when I finaly get it down hear in paradice.
this may be on market one day
Oliver- the more I see it the more I think it looks just bitchen'...
that looks sweet,I think I want one a bit taller, kinda like the oe one,or half inbetween, that one kinda remindes me of the new ford "T" bird top. hmm I wonder how the audi tt top would lend to fitting on a 356.
Regarding tops and side curtains...Don't forget about this blue-tarp-gullwing-thingy I "invented" a year or so back. This has nothing but potential ...
pretty radical, Rich. When does production start?
As soon as I can get my hands on some used blue tarps and scrap conduit pipe. I've been taking lessons from Mango and feel I'm getting close Plus I'm trying to figure out the best connection spots for the bungie cords to hold them down once in place. That and how to connect such cords once the door is closed. I'm stumped. Any advice gladly accepted. Investors are welcome. They're going to sell like hot cakes once i get the bugs worked out!
is this a diy kit or do I have to bring my car to you?? will it work when open at 88 mph to send us back into time ,back to nov 18 1955,so we can get our real 356? at less than replica prices? and possiably run for presiden& clean up this town !!!(does it come in any other colors ?blue just dosent go with my shews.....(spelling teacher exersize)
so your making them for bugs too!!!
Yes, I have thought of everything! I'm on top of this Optional brown and green colors. Silver may be offered in the future.
Mark, sorry not for Bugs at this time. But I'll bet I could work something up if you're interested.
Hey Oliver, could you put a Gurney bubble in your top? I think I'd need one.
in the future,hmm......I might be able to get one of his before he even makes them....
Don't get ahead of me, Mark!
Oliver, stick with what you know best...
And that would be??? Ejector seats??? she is kinda cute,got her # by chance? with eyes like you cant go rong.
Mark Audi TT good idea