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Stan and Terry: RE caravanning


It was OK to go with all the northeast folks that one time a couple years ago, but in the end, I couldn't take it anymore. Peter Venuti and I checked out(as in foot down) the last hour of the Carlisle drive. I think it took us 35-40 minutes to do that last hour! I was into my second beer when the rest of the northeast boys finally got there.


Lane is right, running with one other car is the way I like it, but sometimes it gets old real quick. Lenny and I usually run together, and it's great when we're both flat-towing. But when he is flat-towing and I'm driving it takes a whole lot of restraint from me to hang back and cruise. This is especially true going through Ravine PA. Those sweepers are awesome at 85+!


I submit that Stan and I would probably have quite a goof on the road together, and if Marty can keep Sandy from digging her nails into his leg, he'd have fun too!



Last edited by DannyP

Terry, et al.,


OK, I have been letting this ferment for a few days, and maybe it's the cabin fever, or I dunno what, but I am looking keen on this trip.  Babs and I are thinking of making this work.  Would not be driving the Speedster across country and back, however.  Even so, the chance to hang w/ my hommies in/around Tahoe would be awesome.  As the details firm up, and you get dates and places to stay lined up, please advise soonest.


And I totally get the "open road" "I did/do it my way." madness.  I took six weeks to run out and back to the "best" coast a long, long time ago in my '56 A Coupe.  Running solo.  I ran when and where I wanted to.  Camped out in my tent about half the time, stayed w/ some friends other times, found cheap motels when I needed a hot shower.  It was a grand trip.  Went through Reno, as I recall.  And that was  also my first swing at the PCH, from SF to Sandy Eggo.  Damn, that was one cool trip.  And it was in the fall, October as I recall.

Excellent, Kelly! It'll be great to have you at this event.

Us west coast guys really appreciate you easterners coming out to our events.

For those of you entertaining the idea of the SOC SLO event in June, it's a wonderful time in a great, laid back town with great roads and excellent wines, not to mention colorful personalities. I know it's close to the time of Carlisle, but if you can swing it you won't regret it. I'll buy the first round during happy hour!


For those of you on the fence with Tour d'Hoe, what can I say? I spent most of my summers there as a kid and most of my vacations there as an adult. Living close to it now, Andie and I drive up occasionally in Penny to sit on the deck at Sunnyside, eating fried zucchini and taking in the beautiful lake and the colorful variety of people. Of all the places I've been, I still think it's the most beautiful place on earth. If you've never been, come. You won't regret it. 

Those of you arriving a little early and coming in to Sacramento. We'll plan a barbecue or something at my place in Auburn, okay?

Last edited by Terry Nuckels

I've been to Auburn, and it is pretty nice.  There  was a period some years back when we were working with Aerojet, and I had many trips there.  One of the fellows lived in Auburn and had us out to dinner.  Really cool place.  I am seeing this trip as a pretty cool vacation, w/ some Speedsters thrown in for the week end.  Again, pls provide some details about what, when and where as soon as you can manage it.

The plan is still percolating but here's what we're thinking.

Lodging at South Shore Lake Tahoe Friday and Saturday, 9/11-12.

Those so inclined, come up to the foothills (Auburn area? Plenty of lodging available) on Thursday, 9/10, for barbecue at my place. We'll drive up Friday, late morning(?), through the foothills, maybe do some wine tasting, some sight-seeing and head to the host hotel. Casual dinner friday evening. Saturday drive around the lake, sight seeing, boat ride on the lake (courtesy of Major Kahuna), shopping, gambling, bull sh!tting...Saturday evening group dinner. Sunday checkout and organized drive back down through the foothills (opposite side) or boogie out on your own.

Of course, you can make your own plans to meet up at the hotel.  

And any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well as helping plan this event. 


Last edited by Terry Nuckels



We have a date: Friday, Saturday September 11,12 in South Shore Lake Tahoe with Thursday, 9/10 in the foothills (optional)



We have Lodging: Lakeside Inn & Casino: 

Don't call yet! Still finishing up details, okay?


We have special parking, no-host bar reception on Friday arrival.


We have a planning committee hard at work, arranging drives, lake cruises, lunches, dinners and other groovy stuff. 


Keep watching this thread for more information.

Originally Posted by DannyP:

2746 miles each way. 40 hours seat time each way. Now that would be an EPIC trip.


Drive due west, change oil. Imbibe food, drink, and cheer from "Nuckelheads".


Reverse course, and change oil when home, again. A season's worth of mileage in one shot. Hmmmmm.....

That's it, right there.


It's like crack though- once you get a taste, you just want more. It's hard to explain to people, the feeling of absolutely freedom rolling into some dusty nowhere in Nevada or Utah or Nebraska or Wyoming with a cool little Shriner car and VERY out-of-state plates.


... and then you get to the Sierra Nevadas. The scenery: astounding. The roads: unbelievable. There have been times out there when I seriously wondered, "If I sold everything, I wonder how long I could just keep driving this car around out here?"


People wonder about the whole 1000 mi day thing. I say, "East of Denver, I'm just laying down miles and trying to get to somewhere. West of Denver, I just don't want to stop".




Just do it. Seriously- once in your lifetime, just do it. It'll wreck you forever.

Thanks for that Stan. I'm thinking about it. If I take time off, I HAVE to be back when vacation is over. If something breaks or there is some hiccup, it won't work for me.


However once I retire(5 or 6 years) the world(at least the US) will be my oyster. No deadlines. Probably no mortgage either, so no job to run back to. I'd like to take a map and put little Spyder-shaped push-pins in every state, except Florida(no offense to any residents intended).


Visit places like NH, Maine, and VT. SC,GA,Virginny(I happen to know a few folks there). Stop in Tennessee and see Hoss. Head west to Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri. Drive out the mother road, and visit that Big Kahuna in Tahoe. Drive through Red Rocks Canyon(bucket list!). Then head to Cali and show up on Gerd's doorstep. For fun! Hang with Jim and Vince and Terry and all those characters out there. Visit Greg at Vintage. Drive that beautiful coast. Then head north and visit the Lane's in Oregon. Maybe head into Vancouver where the other prancing bulls are born. If I feel done at that point, trailer it home. If not, drive through the northern states or southern Canada. Stop at Stroud's house(if he's even home!), and at that point, I'd be about 8 hours from home in the Toronto area. EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Believe me, the wheels are turning in my brain. And someday, they'll be turning on this trip. In a Spyder. Yup.

Last edited by DannyP
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