I have a tow bar that was used for our '63 VW that I am obviously not using that I was thinking of bringing to Carlisle for the raffle. Anybody that wants a sure thing win can contact me.
There have been incidents of pin loss. The tow bar manufacturer instructions call to pin in the manner above. In my experience I can see why. The hitch clip pins tend to stretch open a little after multiple uses.
WildBill posted:
I guess I've been doing it wrong for 40 years, although I've never had a single issue doing it the incorrect (read that: the way everybody has always done it) way.
If I do it like this, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to stick my finger through what is clearly the "stick your finger in this loop" hole, though. Also, getting past one more detent when it's -10*, and there's 1/2" of ice all over everything might make me mutter under my breath to some extent as well.
The normal way and a zip tie might be the ticket...
Perhaps. I'm going to keep living on the wild side and risk it without.
Just passing along what I've learned (you never stop) when i started towing. RTFM applied here. I do keep a pair or pliers in my towbag but have had no trouble pulling the pinclips off by hand. I do feel more at ease knowing that if the pin is gonna get hit by something or whatever it has to pass two pinch points instead of one to become disengaged and fall out.....especially when wheeling the M/Home with car in tow!
Whatever floats your boat!
They're a little pricey, but these extra secure pins for people who worry a lot are guaranteed never to slip out. Available online from Möbius Industries.
Pretty soon this is gonna get like that "how to fill the gas tank" thread. I can feel it.