Does anyone have a set of tan bucket seats they would like to trade for a set of nearly new tan comfort seats? Or a set of tan buckets you want to sell?
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Replies sorted oldest to newest
Mine need a little work but I would sell them cheap.
Send me some pictures and a price. vanatic99 on yahoo
Had you not be so incredibly insulting and not answered my comment that I have PM d you and not heard back from you in the past I would have picked up the phone and spoken with Jane. She is a really nice person and made it clear that if you did not want the seats she wanted them. I waited several hours and not hearing from you I assumed as with other communications to you which were not returned I figured the seats did not meet your standards. So I let them go. I suggest a cool down period. Jane said in an email to me that she would contact you. You could have made this a lot easier on yourself if you had not taken such an aggressive and bullying posture. Look at my Ebay acct and you will see 100% satisfaction. I try to do the right thing but like most people here I am merely human. I do not know what took you so long to respond to me and maybe I should have waited longer but in this day and age if I am looking for something I carry my phone and never expose myself to this kind of mix up. I assume that you had a great time at a Supr Bowl party and I am sorry you missed these seats. I will wait to see what you and Jane work out.
Nice spin you're trying to put on the facts Ralph. Here are the facts.
You sent me 1 PM and 0 emails. The PM was sent Sept 11th and you asked me to let you know when I had a "framed car with a heater." I have not had a framed car, so I have not replied. There is ZERO history of me not responding to your communications!
You offered the seats to me on Friday and I asked you to send me some pictures and a price on that same day. You replied at 8:30pm that day and I was out of town on Saturday and replied to you at 8:00am on Sunday morning. You replied the following day at 8:00pm that you had sold them to Jane, because you had not heard from me for "several hours."
Ask anyone on this list. I reply to all my PMs and emails and am always there to help answer anyone's questions.
Admit it Ralph, what you did was not cool and you know it.
Is there a reason for this dialogue on a public forum or is email down across the universe?
It's threads like this that keep me coming back....
I love discontent.....
Jane, do the right thing.....
Besides all of that, we all need to do whatever we can to keep Vince coming around. Hmmm, on second thought maybe I should have kept it private! What the hell was I thinking...
SO Cuz:
DId you bother to read the entire thread, Troy readily admits to being gone an entire day. He also admits to not returning an inquiry I made some time ago regarding heated cars. If he can't be bothered to say "Sorry Bluz, I don't need no stinkin' frames" that would have been fine. Further I posted a hood handle, never mounted, better than new and he tried to talk me down from an already good price. This is not EBay. If I [post something to sell I expect the prospect to close the deal within a couple of hours. If you have no smart phone that is not ,my problem. As a buyer and communicator Troy has to be accountatable for his own actions or lack of them. His decision to attack and vilify me here just does not work. Had he been reasonable and contacted me via PM I would have tried to work something out. I would have gladly given him some of the money i made on this deal. BUt not now. ANd Cuz, Jane has no intention to contact Troy. SHe thinks troy is way over the top on this. But I am going to do some searches cause I have found these seats pretty cheap. Not as cheap as mine. cause I just wanted the space they were taking up.
TERRY I tried to keep this issue between emails but it was Troy's choice to put it out into the universe. THis is the last I will say about this.
Brudda, It seems to me that if Troy hadn't brought up the subject of the seats in the first place, Jane wouldn't know a thing about them, and therefore courtesy would suggest, Troy would have first shot....but that's me...obviously not Jane....or you..
Brudda, I am a trouble maker, could care less about this issue in general, but sometimes a persons true nature shows through...
Okay, let me see if I have this right:
1.Troy puts a call out for seats
2. Ralph responds that he has some seats and would be willing to sell them for a great price.
3. Troy asks for some photos and price.
4. While waiting for a response from Troy, Jane contacts Ralph and states that she'll take the seats if Troy doesn't
5. Troy doesn't get back to Ralph for an entire day so Ralph sells the seats to Jane.
Did I get the facts right?
If so, I have to ask you this, Ralph, what was your hurry to sell the seats? You've most likely had them around for a while, so what was the big rush? Couldn't you wait a day?
Jane, taking those seats should leave a bad taste in your mouth.
I guess I'm still trying to figure who was hurt here. Was a deposit taken and not returned? Did someone suffer mental anguish over a traumatic experience? Was something promised and not delivered? Speaking of tan seats. I had a set a couple of years ago. Picked them up from a local guy from this site years ago for $50 bucks. I turned one of them into an office chair. A few years went by and a friend of mine in the restoration business gave me a call, inquiring about the seats; he had a buyer. I split the $600 bucks with him.
Vince, you might come across like a troublemaker but I know that you are one of the sweetest softies on this site. Are we doing a Cali event this year?
Probably would have been a good idea to have placed some time frames during the negotiations:
"If I don't hear back from you within ______ hours/days, I will assume you no longer have an interest and I will sell to the next person in line."
"I will be out of touch for the next ___ hours/days and will contact you on ___ between ___o'clock and ____o'clock via e-mail/phone/pony express to discuss the deal. Does that work for you?"
Wow. We should all have such insurmountable problems.
I have lost a lot of the enthusiasm I used to have concerning the SOC.
First the changing of this site, then losing many of the "good ol guys" who
made this group special to me, don't get me wrong, there are still many of you out there, but it's not the same for me any longer....
I go through a lot of cars on a regular basis, and I may own another 356 (probably a coupe) after owning 3 speedsters in the past, and I will continue to monitor this site and participate when available on runs, including this years annual when it is posted.
I believe most of these guys just don't get my sense of humor, they want to get greasy, so why waste my time.....
Vince, you suck!
Can't wait to share a drink and a fire pit with the West coast crew again!
Bob G has it right. Some parameters should have been set up. WHat really messed this entire thing up is that troy did not respond to a message I once sent him and therefore I thought this was a similar non-action on his part. (he acknowledges that above). WHAT I REALLY HAVE TO ASK IS WHAT WAS MY MOTIVE TO SELL TO JANE. A $115 bucks? Yes, BTW that is what I let her have the seats for. Come to find out that $500 would have been more in the market but I am not here to make money. Here to share. Would Troy feel better if I split my massive profit on this. "true character"?? WTF? It is interesting what people will say on the web and not even toy with the idea in person. It was an honest mistake. I took Jane's money about 15 hrs after not hearing from troy. Jane and I have a contract. I have no contract with troy. From him a have a whining/pissing contest and I do not mind telling him that at the next west coast event. WHile I would not be caught dead in Fresno I do travel a lot thru the more interesting places in Cali. We can meet up. I will bring my second. Thirty yards. One shot. I will be passing thru So Oregon where there used to be a Speedster owner who did shirts and logos for the forum. His main biz was refurbing vintage weapons. He had a really nice black car. I will have my flintlock totally dialed in.
I have lost a lot of the enthusiasm I used to have concerning the SOC.
First the changing of this site, then losing many of the "good ol guys" who
made this group special to me, don't get me wrong, there are still many of you out there, but it's not the same for me any longer....
I go through a lot of cars on a regular basis, and I may own another 356 (probably a coupe) after owning 3 speedsters in the past, and I will continue to monitor this site and participate when available on runs, including this years annual when it is posted.
I believe most of these guys just don't get my sense of humor, they want to get greasy, so why waste my time.....
Well that's OK if you want to leave, but can Teri still hangout with us??? :-)
SO Cuz:
DId you bother to read the entire thread, Troy readily admits to being gone an entire day. He also admits to not returning an inquiry I made some time ago regarding heated cars. If he can't be bothered to say "Sorry Bluz, I don't need no stinkin' frames" that would have been fine. Further I posted a hood handle, never mounted, better than new and he tried to talk me down from an already good price. This is not EBay. If I [post something to sell I expect the prospect to close the deal within a couple of hours.
I know the feeling of sending a message and getting no response. "Someone" on here was inquiring about buying my car to flip. He asked for details and price. I sent him a LENGTHY report on my speedster, never to hear back from him again. Not a thanks, not a "sorry, it's too pricey" nothing.
He is an active member here as well. I get it, he just wanted a cheap car to flip. But don't just leave me hanging after I put together a thorough description of the car you inquired about.
So yeah...
Carry on.. like Vinny, I love this stuff too. SOC is ZZzzzzz without drama.
I've never seen or heard Troy upset. But it is kinda entertaining.
Since Vince didn't provoke anything.
Van Morrison sounds just like Steely Dan, are they perhaps the same?
Van Morrison sounds just like Steely Dan, are they perhaps the same?
not even close theron...
Van Morrison sounds just like Steely Dan, are they perhaps the same?
Is this an inside joke, or something?
Van Morrison sounds just like Steely Dan, are they perhaps the same?
Is this an inside joke, or something?
I don't know Ron; must be an American thing...
This has become a very weird thread. Speedster seats, who should have sold what to whom, Vince's depression, The Mystery Incommunicado Speedster Flipper, Steely Dan and Van Morrison.
SOC now stands for Schizophrenic Oddballs Club.
You can't make this stuff up.
WHile I would not be caught dead in Fresno I do travel a lot thru the more interesting places in Cali. We can meet up. I will bring my second. Thirty yards. One shot. I will be passing thru So Oregon where there used to be a Speedster owner who did shirts and logos for the forum. His main biz was refurbing vintage weapons. He had a really nice black car. I will have my flintlock totally dialed in.
"A friend of mine told me to shoot first and ask questions later. I was going to ask him why, but I had to shoot him." - John Wayne
I was depressed, but this thread has somehow picked me right up....
I especially like the reference to Fresno being below a visitor level
for the Brudda, and the dueling pistols gotta love this $hit...
Funny how Jane has nothing to say, she must be very embarrassed about the whole situation....
Van Morrison is a real talent, never seen him but will make a point of it this year if hes around SoCal. Just saw he's only 68, I thought he was much older, thats good hell be around awhile then!
Troy thanks for the KVAN info I'll check it out.
I've never seen or heard Troy upset. But it is kinda entertaining.
Since Vince didn't provoke anything.
Van Morrison sounds just like Steely Dan, are they perhaps the same?
@Theron - O.K. that was funny! Go ahead, throw another meatball over the plate!!
Wher's Analiese when you need some ? This stuff is /was getting old...
I wish people would quit dissing Fresno. Fresno is very important to me.
It's one of the few towns in California that makes me feel good about living in Sacramento.
I wish people would quit dissing Fresno. Fresno is very important to me.
It's one of the few towns in California that makes me feel good about living in Sacramento.
Bwaaaaaaa guys are KILLING me! This is just like BSing with my buddies hanging out on the back porch!
I wish people would quit dissing Fresno. Fresno is very important to me.
It's one of the few towns in California that makes me feel good about living in Sacramento.
Bwaaaaaaa guys are KILLING me! This is just like BSing with my buddies hanging out on the back porch!
I didn't know they had back porches in the ghetto Jim.
You've seen Van Morrison 30 times? How many of those concerts did he face the audience? I love 'em, huge talent obviously, but he's a little shy on stage.
Does Van have a restraining order in place for you, Troy?
Ralph, are you talking about Eddie Janis? He rebuilds/restores Colt 45s and owns an immaculate black Vintage.
He's a legend in the gun world and lives in Paso Robles. He also drives like banshee with a death wish...