OK. The dangling ground strap I disconnected, so it wasn't just hanging there when I started. The support strap WAS torqued down. It was just poorly installed by the previous owner or whoever he had put it in.
I yanked out the support, removed the 1" bolt and washer that was holding down the brake line tee splitter.
Where the fuel line exits the frame there is a deteriorated gasket of some sort that kept it from banging around the hole. I will make another gasket out of fabric braided line, split it, place it around the line and secure it so that it covers an area both below and above the exit hole and that will make certain that it isn't making contact with the frame. Then it is just becomes part of my routine monthly inspection list to make sure it stays in place and doesn't wear.
There are several spots where I can attach the grounding strap so that isn't a problem. I need to figure out what to do about securing the brake line tee, but I am working on a couple ideas. The bolt and washer actually held it place pretty well, but it was an un-elegant redneck sort of fix.