I don't know what to make of a SOC member that would go to a car show, enter his little "KIT" car and then when the judges ask him if it is real this is the reply they get "yes, they started making them again" no mention that it is a kit car and that it is a "replica" And he continues with this little pretense even today as he enters the car shows in his home state.
I won't give any names but I will give you a couple clues and if you think you know him send him an email or call and tell him to "get real" and quit trying to inflate his old alter ego with a fabrication of facts.
Clues are as follows:
1. Was overheard that he would make a good barber
2. plays banjo, I hear
3. May of had a new engine installed lately
If you are at a loss as to the real person pretending his car is real and not a kit please email me and I will be happy to share the identity with you.
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