OK, I stand corrected and have been caught not paying close attention. I confess to not being up on all the variations available from the various makers. My comment about air vs water has to be understood in my context. The first car I owned out of college was an A Coupe, '56. Later came a B Coupe, '61 Super 90. Befgore eithe rof these, a close friend in high school had a '57 Speedster, and we bombed around in that plenty. So to me a 356 has a certain noise, and the water cooled mills are just not going to do it. Will they be more eco friendly, run more reliably, offer better heating, less maintenance, and heavens only knows what other mechanical advantages that any sane man would admire? Certainly. But like I said: it just would not quite be a 356 Speedster. Besides, I have not forgotten how to adjust valves and Synch carbs and now own a garage to do it in, vs. crawling around in the street back in the day -- piece of cake . . .
and I will be at Carlisle. God willing and no earthquakes in No. Hollywood between now and then, the good Mr. Steele and his fellows will have my car done before then and he and I will be showing it off there. Hope so anyway. Sounds like a great week-end.