engine builders get a reputation the hard way. Trust me I know.. When you buy an engine from a quality establishment you will receive a dyno run, and some supply specs on the engine. I supply a full manual on the engine that lets you see its heart from through the skin.... All specs are logged and tuning is there for future reference. No other builder offers this indepth "Report" on the engine....... BUT ALL SHOULD HAVE ACCURATE SPECS FOR WHAT THEY ARE SELLING YOU.
When you employ a quality builder you should be gaining a friend thats as enthusiastic about the project as he is about the money aspect. If he's not, hes nothing more than a wrench in the toolbox- find another!!
A good builder is not easy to find. One that builds things his way, is the key... he should get general knowledge from the buyer but have his own plan of satisfying the buyers desires. A good builder will have a data base filled with combinations and graphs for power output and thermal efficiency.. If not he is doing his job half way and not logiing his achievements or products well enough....Thats why good builders get more money- we set you up with a no guesswork proven arrangement...
when someone buys one of my engines, they buy 80 hours of my life. That don't come cheap, BUT its worth its weight in diamonds!
If someone is going to sell you an 1835 with a Turbo, find another builder. The 1835 is the worst combo known to man with its paper thin 92mm cylinders... I won't even build one, and haven't since the early 90s..... A Turbo likes to split a 92 right down the middle- Seen it!
The best Turbo combo I found was a 2165 Turbo..... The combo is sweet and will make well over 240BHP and live a good life. The 2110 with the 82mm stroke drives too much like a V8 for me and a good HP combo is hard to make...
Do it once, and pay for it once or it will Nickle and dime you to death- to the point where you sell the car.... It happens everyday.
"Quality and dedication are not expensive- They are PRICELESS"
If a corner is cut with an aircooled engine, it WILL bite you in the ass. GUARANTEED