I'v been testing Four types of 40W Oil in my 1776cc Type 1 Engine. I've got a Dog House Cooler and Large Remote Auxillary Oil Cooler W/Fan, Dual Dell's and the Engine isn't running lean.
I'm testing Valvoline, Castrol, Tork-O and Kendel.
I live in Central California and I put 300 Miles on the Valvoline and 300 Miles on the Castrol. Both Oils are 40W and so far the Castrol appears to be marginally better. The tests were conducted on two recent trips in weather between 94 - 102 degrees. The Castrol ran at roughly 10 Degrees cooler then the Valvoline.
I'll try the Tork-O next and then the Kendel. I've had excellant results in a Water Cooled Late Model Engine with Tork-O.
On the trip that I conducted the tests, the Oil Temp was 210 Degrees on the Castrol and 220+ with the Valvoline. The average speed was 65-75MPH crusing. The Fuel Milage wasn't much effected with either oil 33 mpg with the Valvoline and 31 mpg with the Castrol.
What oil temperature's have you experienced in Summer Hot Weather Driving?
Jack Blake - 57 CMC Speedster
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