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 Good afternoon all I am a new member ,  I have been a Porsche mechanic for 25 years and my favorite car in the world is the speedster .  I have been looking to put my own twist on a speedster and what I would really like to try to find is a kit that has not been completed or a vehicle that really needs some work .  I am not worried at all about the mechanics of the car,because that is something I can easily take care of. I would just like to try to find a car has a decent body and I can go from there. 

 Any help, suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

thank you!


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I'm not sure it's a VS. If you look at this photo:00Q0Q_eMul271Jfni_600x450

If you look at the left side heater vent it doesn't appear to be a "ledge" along the area where your left foot rests. Unless it because of the black carpet and the lack of detail the it isn't noticeable. I'm no expert so I could easily be wrong.

When viewed on Craigslist the photo is much bigger.


Images (1)
  • 00Q0Q_eMul271Jfni_600x450
Last edited by Robert M

I have been fighting our DMV for over 2 months trying to get a title for my 2003 IM. Jumping through all the hoops they present. Two days ago they sent the entire package of forms - including all 8 forms requested filled notarized, Sheriff inspected vin,  along with the legal water marked Florida title, and St. of Origin (signed and notarized by Henry - $60+ overnight mail), ... and now they said I had to prove it's value and have it inspected as if it were a rebuilt car.... So the employee simply put it all in an envelope and sent it back to me. 

Fumming mad;  I am!
What I am saying here is , what hell would someone have to go through  with a salvaged tile  one of these?

Our buddy Meade did give me the name of a helpful person at the DMV here in Ga. So waiting to here back from him - (2 days so far). I don't like to proceed from an angry platform, so probably best to give it a few days to settle down anyway...

Sorry guys. I did not mean to sit here an gripe. Just meant to draw attention to the Salvage Title.

I have dealt with the DMV/RMV in four different states.  Only once in the past fifty years have I gotten someone the first time at the window who actually knew what I and they needed to do for my transaction.  Some of these were very out of the ordinary - like the first Dune Buggy in Worcester County, Massachusetts in 1968 when nobody knew what the hell they were - so I have to cut them some slack, but I ALWAYS had to ask around a lot and find the name of that one person everyone recommended that I work with to get things done.  Sometimes, that meant finding someone in the DMV offices at the state capital (Rhode Island and Vermont) that could make things happen, and sometimes it meant just going to a different semi-local office where someone worked who had experience with what I wanted.  Regardless, it always took a bit of legwork til I found that one person who could help.

Keep digging......Get on the Factory five forums and ask the Georgia Cobra guys how THEY did it......


As a last resort (maybe it's an action that should have been taken at the first inkling of a problem):

The people occupying the plush carpeted offices at your DMV (the ones who never have to justify their long lunches!) are political animals. 

A letter to your elected state representative detailing your frustrating experience is guaranteed to get results.  Because a phone call from one political animal (who wants to keep their constituents happy) to another, but lessor (and appointed) political animal will cut through all the BS and produce a resolution!.....After all, isn't that the way bureaucracies at all levels actually function?

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