Heee Hee, that made me laugh... Good for You Joel.
@Joel Roth posted:Yes, I am married. But my wife is great about things like this. We discuss whether or not the project is something I should or should not do. Once we agree on that it is mine. I make all the decisions. I can do what I want. Along the way, I often do ask her for her opinion about things. But the final decisions are mine. She knows that I work very hard maintaining her in the life that she has grown accustom to, so things like this are my "reward".
Joel,come on buddy, we all know how this works out in real life situations
No, I am telling you guys the truth here. The relationship I have with my wife is very different than most other couple's relationships. In a good way.
Translation: Joel is the big man on campus.
Happy Wife, Happy Life!!!
Yup. My relationship with my wife is much like Joel’s. I get whatever I want. As long as my wife gets twice as much on the flip side. Works well for us.
You mean the credit and the cash . Credit cards that is
@Joel Roth posted:
OK! Now that is taking 'Bad-A$$ery' to a whole 'nutha level!
That'll do. Beautiful lines and a place to sit your beverage of choice while chatting at the concours.
Stupid cool.
Go big or go home.
@Joel Roth Just my 2 cents worth. I like the duck-tail on the deck-lid, rather than the spoiler on the body. I also like the thicker/ softer lines on picture 1; it suites the softer lines of the 356 body. rather than the razor-edge profile of picture 2. Someone else had mentioned two deck-lids(great idea); one with a spoiler and one with-out, so you always have both options, to swap at any time. Ride height, the lower the better without rubbing or bottoming out. Absolutely love where you are going with this car. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your build.
I would have two rear lids made one with the spoiler and one without … have both painted at the same time and see if some sort of removable system could happen just in case I got bored of one look …. But that is me .
Other than that carry on with your vision
@Joel Roth, I noticed the renderings show a sunroof outline. Is Carey going to try and give you one of those?
@Michael Pickett posted:
That's quite a car.
If it were mine, I'd extend the bumper out a bit with some sort of floor decking material. I'd put two barstools out there, and then I'd set up a Muppet behind the wing (Ernie, Bert, Gonzo, your choice), so as to look backward across the vast expanse of... whatever that is. I'd have some faux tapper pulls directly in front of the Muppet, and the entire schtick would be complete.
It'd be more original than another Ghostbusters ambulance, although not as cools as the Bluesmobile with the giant civil defense speaker strapped to the top I see occasionally rolling around in town.
@Stan Galat posted:If it were mine, I'd extend the bumper out a bit with some sort of floor decking material. I'd put two barstools out there, and then I'd set up a Muppet behind the wing (Ernie, Bert, Gonzo, your choice), .
I'd go for Statler & Waldorf...
@Michael Pickett posted:I'd go for Statler & Waldorf...
To my eye, I can only fault the curved screen Super body and the Mexican bumpers. I’d like to see one with a flat screen and a metal dash.
Latest update from Carey:
They finished fabricating and welding the exhaust headers and x-pipe. Photos coming soon.
They ordered my brake calipers. We are using Wilwood 4 piston calipers front, and rear powder coated Red.
Moving ahead slowly.
Latest update:
Carey received the rear calipers (Wilwood 4 piston Red powder coated front and rear) and did a test fit for the rear wheels to see how large of a wheel and tire we can fit and how much of a flare we need. We are still waiting for the front calipers and as soon as they are received, he will do a test fit for the front as well.
Carey was looking to use 7 x 16 wheels in the front and 9.5 x 16 wheels in the rear. But tire availability in these sizes is a problem. Because we are going to be doing custom flares size and fitment are really not the issue. So, it looks like we will go with 7 x 17 in the front and 9.5 x 17 in the rear. Tires are more available in 17 diameter wheels. Tires will probably be 225 45 17 in the front and 275 40 17 in the rear. It looks like we will be doing a 2" rear flare and maybe 1" in the front.
Because of backspacing issues no "stock" wheel will fit. So, we will probably be using a set of custom Fuchs similar to what Carey uses on his 904 Race cars.
I am attaching some new pictures. The exhaust is finished but still waiting on pictures. But you can see the headers in some of the pictures. They still need to be cleaned up and powder coated, and the engine still needs to be sent out for rebuilding. We plan on powder coating/painting some engine parts as well.
Nice! Good choice going for wheels for which you can find a good selection of tires.
Latest Updates:
The wheels are in. We are using 3-piece wheels. The Fuchs centers are custom made for Carey and are solid billet, drilled and spot faced for BBS wheel halves. Size is 7 x 17 in front and 9.5 x 17 in the rear. Originally, I wanted to have the centers painted Black and have the lips glass beaded for a satin look like the early 911 930 wheels. However, seeing them polished I like them and now may keep them polished. Carey said he could also glass bead them to give them a satin look. Tires will be Michelin Pilot Sport Cup.
Carey started on the roll bar. The main hoop in bent and tack welded in place. They are working on the rear struts and the X cross brace. When it's all done and fitted, it will be removed and sent out for powder coating.
Carey told me because my car is not mid-engine, he was able to eliminate the mid-engine box and was able to increase the front seats rear travel and also install the roll bar approximately 3" further to the rear than the installation done in Lane's car. They are fabricating the new rear seat side pieces and the rear seat area now.
Carey also told me that they started working on the front and rear fender flares. He has a set of flares he used on a speedster and is fabricating a set of flares from the molds to use as a base. The rear calipers are in. The front brake calipers are being built and once the front brake calipers come in, they will do a mock-up with the wheels to set the depth and curve of the flares.
“Carey told me because my car is not mid-engine, he was able to eliminate the mid-engine box and was able to increase the front seats rear travel and also install the roll bar approximately 3" further to the rear than the installation done in Lane's car.”
Excellent! That’ll make a big difference in comfort on long drives.
All I can say is WOW!!!
Hi Guys:
Latest update from Carey. You are going to be blown away.
The front brakes and suspension are mounted. The wheels and tires are on to set the body height and mockup the front and rear fender flares. The front wheels sit 2" too far inboard. Carey installed a temporary 2" spacer to allow him to mockup the front fender flares. But he will be removing the spacers and he is fabricating 2" longer A-arms to eliminate the spacers. The rear fenders were cut to accept the wheels and tires and he has a set of temporary rear fender flares mounted to see the look and stance of the car. It looks totally different than stock and it is widened, but without the "wide-body" look. I think it looks incredible and it is far from finished. Wow, Wow, Wow!!!
Very cool, Joel! Wheel/tire sizes?
The wheels are 17" BBS halves and custom made solid billet Porsche centers. The centers will be painted Black. I believe the tires are Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 225 45 17 in the front and 265 40 17 in the rear.
They certainly look big and fill the arches.
Originally, I wanted to use 15" or 16" wheels and tires, but the size/width of the tires we needed because of the HP of the engine were not available, so we moved up to 17" wheels to be able to get the tire size/width we needed. When the flares are finished, I think it will look great and handle even better.
Looks good. Very impressive work. Fun watching it come together. Looks like it will have power steering? Is that white line down the back for pie cuts to widen the rear or just going with fender flares?
No pie cuts. Just front and rear fender flares at this point. The rear was widened 2" already, 1" on either side. We are using 2" flares on the rear and something less up front.
I am still debating on whether to go with the 1974 RSR look with a front oil cooler on the lower front bumper and ducktail spoiler on the rear. I am afraid to do too much and ruin the looks and the lines. Instead, Carey and I talked about doing a front air intake cut into the front lower bumper like used on the 550 Spyder instead.
Carey and I talked about doing a front air intake cut into the front lower bumper like used on the 550 Spyder instead. ........... YES !~
Here's what Henry did for my IM6. Twin cutouts for twin oil coolers, in the front valance area, and cutouts in the front bumpers. Works well.
Subtle but functional.
Hey Joel! Love ,love,love this build!!!!