frazerk, what motor do you have in your spedystear? the vw only has 3 bearings, and 4 lobes total for the cam shaft. and runout never came into's bearing clearances & and of corse camshaft flex,yes they can&do flex. I have even run my 2332 with a -5 thou lash(when cold, it spins real good when cold then just a little heat after about 10 sec of spining it would fire up and continue expanding till it got to the running temp,I was using chromoly pushrods, and also ceramic coated chambers,valves ex ports&piston tops, to keep the heat going out the exhaust where it belongs.I would not recomend doing this unless you have expearance maching&building a lot of motors &dont mind experamentiong on your own stuff.
as far as what you said about leaving out some letters & moving some around I have heard of it but never seen it you have any exzamples so we can see if it realy works? from the article I read it had to do something with your brains,no brains&you cant read it or gives you fits, but einestine might not ever notice what was going on. I think we all would like to see the outcome.
As for your way of adjusting the valves just try it my way 1 time and see what you get(not realy my way, but the way hiperformance cams should be adjusted,and stock ones usualy bennifit from it quite a bit too, of corse if the cam is hydro it wont matter unless you run them at zero lash or -.001~ -.005, then it might.
a lot of racing sanctions require you to run a hydrocam/lifter in some clases but you can make a hydro cam solid ( or very close to it)& not get "lifter pump up just by setting hot lash to about .-.001~.001 so the lifter cant pump up, but the rpm may still be limited a little due to the hydrolic lifter being a few grams heaver.
now to the cam size that would require a different type of lash setting, well if you know any thing about engines, the vw is kinda unique in the fact that it has extreamly low rocker arm raitos, 1.1 stock, then 1.25,1.34,1.4,1.5,1.55 and so on, but most run the 1.1 or the 1.25, I have 1.1, 1.25,1.34,1.56 & working on some 1.7. the raito is in theroy not in reality in most cases, like my 1.56 is a 1.4 in theroy, but theroy dosent operate an engine, and the type of rocker also alters the raito& the raito change that some have, more than others..
And did you know the first hp acve cams were made off of kieth black patterns for chrysler hemi & other chrysler motors? also the rocker raito dosent just add lift but it ALSO CHANGES THE CAM DURATION AT THE VALVE!!! witch is why a mild cam in a vw will be a wild cam in a chevy that has 1.6 rockers.
What does this have to do with valve adjustments?? Well you asked at what size cam does this start counting, well it sort of does now due to the much more duration of the vw camshaft due to the low rocker raito,(witch is also why some cams say for certain raito rockers,put a wild 1.5 raito cam on a 1.1 rocker and you might not have squart and it wasent desined for that raito either, add 1.5 rockers to a 1.1 cam and it might just start bending stuff and floting the valves due to the lobe ramps&flanks)
I have raced for oh somany years,big hp v8 stuff, and have piles of it. I have in my inventory for my 600+hp smallblock mopar a new(30 + yearold) R296-4776 crane roller cam, witch is quite biger than the ones I used to run witch were R276-284-4266 (R= roller cam,276 is the intake lobe duration @.050 tapit lift, the 284 is exhaust lobe duration @.050. , the 4266 is the lobe lift, you multiply your raito to get the lift at the valve so it's .640. The R296 is 296 degrees duration @ .050 tapit lift on both intake & exhaust lobes and 4777 is the lobe lift witch is .716 at the valve with 1.5 raito rockers. and that can was used in prostock engines, the ultimate in performance for drag racing. well you ask what does this have to do with vw? well that same size cam in a vw with 1.1 rockers would be kinda just past mild. I have a 256@ .050 in my vw now and it is very mild, but it still has the wild lobes if it had the 1.5 or 1.6 or 1.7 rockers on it. a lumpy just past mild cam for a v8 with 1.7 raito rockers would have around 224-234 duration @ .050 tapit lift.
And dont forget the big face on the vw lifter(witch can also change things up)
So in the end you have a wild cam in a engine that has wild lifters & very extreamly mild rockers.but the cam& position of the lobe & lifters dosent change, if there is 256 degrees of duration @ .o5o tapit lift, that is what it is at the cam regardless of the rocker, the rocker just transulates it to the valves with what ever raito they have.
I gess what Im trying to say is you already have more cam that most mussle cars of the 60's&70s' had ,possiably all of them, but your short in the transulation.
And by the way your vw dosent know it is a vw. And it just like the chevys,moppars&fords cant read what is written on the valve covers.( Even if somebody else other than me wrote it.)