I had an epiphany this morning. I'm pretty sure I can pinpoint the exact point in time when my little choo-choo went around the bend regarding my Speedster.
That would be when I agonized over my own valve-cover decision. Valve-covers on a Speedster are buried so far down under the car as to be essentially invisible, so aesthetic considerations are moot.
A valve-cover has two functions-- keeping the oil in the engine, and not getting in the way of the rockers. There are opposing camps on each side of a great skirmish regarding everything related to valve-covers. Bales or bolts. Steel or Aluminum. Vented or not vented. All are presented as life and death decisions that must be made, so that the rest of the world wide web can determine just exactly what sort of man you are.
At the end of the day on which I lost my mind, I panicked and just bought the most expensive thing available (ahem, CSPs) and hoped for the best. They look kind've cool down there, under my blank-off plates, above my J-pipes. Sometimes I just jack my car up and lay under it, that I might gaze askance in awestruck wonder at the awesomeness of my very own $150 chunks of aluminum which nobody can see unless they join me in repose, lying supine down there on the concrete.
They don't interfere with the valvetrain, and they don't leak (unless the bolt o-ring gets torn, which has never happened, except for every time I've ever changed the oil), so I guess they do their job.
You may make a different decision than I did, which is significant because it will tell the world exactly what kind of man you are, Will. Are you with us or against us? Lives hang in the balance.
There is no middle ground.