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Like I said: "There is no substitute for customer service -- especially when it is not owed or expected!"

Give credit to TR on this one. Their offer to re-do the engine that they didn't build and is out of manufacturer's warranty, at their expense, surely lines up in the "good" column.

So, Paul, what is the over plan of action here, I think maybe I lost the bubble somwhere along the way? You have pulled both heads and all of the head bolts You pulled at least one of the barrels, and maybe both on the one side. You extracted the broken bolt/case-saver "assembly", and renewed the case savers as needed. You will check and trim all the barrel/bolt cut-outs to be sure plenty of clearance when assembled correctly. You will check the heads and barrels to be sure their mating surfaces are true. You will reassemble w/ genuine VW steel head bolts. You will (or not??) hone the cylindrs and use new rings? You will tighten it all up just so, and will be on the road in another week or so. You have rec'd a worthy gesture to fix all by TR (Bravo! to them) but will decline all in interest of expediency. Will TR end up participating in any way w/ making your engine whole again?? Just curious.
The No. 3 and No. 4 Cylinder have been removed. The No. 4 piston was removed. Drilled out two case savers and broken head studs at No. 4. New Case Savers Installed. New pushrod tubes and silicone seal at No. 3,4 side only. Cleaned carbon off the top of the pistons. All head studs have been removed and replaced with OE German Head Studs (used). I have asked that the cylinders be machined/files in the locations the head studs snapped. Need to follow up and make sure this is done... piece of mind. The mechanic didnt think that caused the failure. Says the studs were over torqued (sound familiar). Re-torque heads, adjust valves and should be good to carry out of the shop tomorrow.

Also replacing main seal for the second time in 6 months. Peak Performance, who installed the rear main previously, would not warrant the work. They did say if I drove it down there they would take a look at it. Not sure what good that would do me... "Yup, its leaking."

$250.00 for labor paid by me, im covering all the parts, gaskets, oil, filter, etc. etc.

SCAT doesnt seem to think they put this long block together, no backing from them.

TR did ask that I ship the longblock to them. When I got the call from TR the engine was already in the local shop. I was not going to go in and pull an engine out from under a mechanic.

I also promised a good friend she could take pictures with her soon to be husband with the speedster this coming weekend. Its cheaper than buying a wedding gift! So, the car must be back together and looking its best by this Saturday.

The washer between the gland nut and flywheel was missing. Either it wasn't on there when Peek Performance changed the main seal and they didn't bother to replace it when it went back together or they forgot to put it back on when re-assembling the motor. Either way it is something i would expect to be taken care of by an professional. At almost $600 i would have splurged to cover the cost of the washer.

I now have the washer.
Kelly, you're on. I forgot to grab one of them on the way out of the door this morning. I'll pack one up and get it in the mail tomorrow. Thank you for offering.

Engine is back and tin is installed. Going to get it back in the car tonight. Had to do the work in the back of my SUV... really showing my southern roots here. My garage is sized perfectly to keep a speedster dry, and thats about it. I have become very flexible and comfortable in tight spaces since owning this ride.


Images (2)
  • work-bench
  • extended-garage
The engine is back in, running strong. Maybe a little too strong. I got pulled over by one of Baltimore's finest. No ticket... but was told next time he would throw every ticket in his book possible at me. Not sure what i did to piss him off. i was in first gear taking off from a stop light. pretty sure i hit 20 mph when he stepped out in front of me.

The valve train seams very noisy. I am going to go outside and put a feeler gauge on them. I am concerned the pushrods were not put back in the exact way they came out.

I installed a stage 1 pressure plate and a mid transmission support... feels pretty solid.
The Pushrods are aluminum. I adjusted them to .006. Strange thing is happening now. I dont recall it being an issue before. As i approach 80 mph, throttle all the way down the car motor feels like it is beginning to work against itself. I doesnt want to accelerate. I did just install a used german 019 distributor prior to the engine being pulled. Could it be something with timing? Points? Other than that the engine is very strong through all gears at all rpms. I am running a stock diameter exhaust on this 1914 motor.
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